
Oct 07, 2015 20:32

three beats
rating: g
characters: Laura Barton/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff
warnings: none
summary: It's an honest answer for a simple question. At the end of the day, you love who you love.

author's note: For edgarblackthecyborg, who prompted, "Dancing to the rhythms of the heart. =)" This is likely not what was intended, but it stuck.

“The heart wants what the heart wants,” Laura says with a shrug, her elbows resting on the flour-dusted counter and traces of peach filling smeared on her rolled sleeves. )

laura barton, natasha romanoff, avengers, clint x laura x natasha, clint barton

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Comments 2

kiss_me_cassie October 8 2015, 14:36:13 UTC
Aww... smushy mushy love in the morning that is so sweet and so what I needed.


sweetwatersong October 9 2015, 15:50:56 UTC
There is something to be said for pure warm and fuzzy feelings, isn't there? ;). Thank you for reading, and I'm glad you enjoyed!


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