
Sep 01, 2015 14:39

hand in hand
rating: pg
characters: Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton
warnings: possession/mind control and its emotional effects

summary: She reached out for her brother. Something terrible reached back.

Sometimes family isn't what you're born with or what you lose; it's what you choose.

It begins, as terrible things almost always do, with darkness. )

wanda maximoff, avengers, clint barton

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Comments 5

emeraldarrows September 1 2015, 19:11:55 UTC
*flails* This is beautiful.

I was hoping you'd write the twins!


sweetwatersong September 5 2015, 22:35:49 UTC
Thank you so much! :D I've put off writing a great deal about them until I have a chance to watch AoU in the 'okay and how can I characterize the twins' frame of mind, mostly because my attempts to watch it in the past end in yelling. But I'm looking forward to writing them more often once I have a better handle on them!


emeraldarrows September 5 2015, 23:00:37 UTC
(: Ah, I can understand that! I put off watching it until a couple weeks ago and I spent a lot of it yelling at the screen, too. :P The twins were definitely my favorite thing about it, though. (:


scribble_myname September 1 2015, 20:04:01 UTC
:sighs: So awesome. You always seem to leave me without words.


sweetwatersong September 5 2015, 22:37:29 UTC
You are wonderful. I'm glad you like it so. :)


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