write me a memory

Apr 22, 2015 20:47

So in the spirit of being, well, me, I have a surprising amount of tumblr drabbles that never made it over here. Fixing that now!

dramatic flairrating: pg-13 ( Read more... )

friendship, maria hill, bruce banner, avengers, clint barton, clint x natasha, au, tony stark

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Comments 4

alphaflyer April 23 2015, 03:05:03 UTC
These were great! Although I love mine the best (totally unbiased here - it's the Monty Python that clinched it ...)

Thanks! :-)


sweetwatersong May 10 2015, 23:04:02 UTC
You are most welcome! Thank you for reading. <3


red_b_rackham April 23 2015, 14:53:48 UTC
These are so perfect!! <333


sweetwatersong May 10 2015, 23:04:33 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed them.


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