when it trembles and it roars

Dec 29, 2014 18:12

the path below your thunder
rating: pg-13
characters: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill
warnings: none

summary: There’s a storm rising on the horizon, gray and growing quickly, and they have weathered its like together before - but all things change. Wing!fic.

author’s note: Follows the water is wide and salvation in a sky of Read more... )

phil coulson, clint x natasha, au, maria hill, natasha romanoff, avengers, clint barton

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Comments 2

shenshen77 December 30 2014, 10:31:06 UTC
Ouch, my feels! So many things to love in this 'verse, from the poetic language right down to the emotions. So much longing on both sides... <3


sweetwatersong January 3 2015, 23:16:15 UTC
It's the rhythm and language of this 'verse that help to define it for me in my own head, so I'm glad that's reflected in the text. :) And yes, there is longing and completion and the joy of flight in both of them. Thank you so much for reading! <3


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