who we lie beside

Sep 07, 2014 09:49

rating: pg
characters: Maria Hill, Natasha Romanoff
warnings: none
summary: Histories, identities, and bedspreads; the things we draw over ourselves, the things we share. A mission from their younger years.

They check in under assumed names the lower ranking agents had planned to use, with ‘Amy’ quietly arranging things at the front desk and motioning ‘Heather’ to drive the matte black SUV down to the end of the hotel. )

maria hill, natasha romanoff, avengers

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Comments 4

scribble_myname September 7 2014, 19:14:53 UTC
I love this moment. You write them so well.


sweetwatersong September 8 2014, 01:38:24 UTC
Thank you! I was trying to stretch my boundaries and write more than purely Clint/Nat, and whenever that happens I keep circling back to these two. Badass ladies of the helicarrier (eventually)? Hell yes. :)


stars_inthe_sky September 8 2014, 16:13:57 UTC
Ooh, you have great imagery, and I like your take on Maria.


sweetwatersong October 4 2014, 14:29:10 UTC
Thank you very much! I really appreciate it. :)


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