tear the world asunder (dec. 4th)

Dec 05, 2013 00:07

nexus of causality
rating: pg
characters: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
warnings: major character death (past)
length: drabble

summary: Really, any reality is just the flip of a coin. Or, the one where space-time continuity dies along with him.

author's note: I read more science fiction than is good for me, and I love it.
Someone's been playing with the strings holding the universe together, unraveling reality and creating mayhem with linear time, and she had gotten caught up in it like all the rest of the ash-covered world. )

pepper potts, drabble, tony stark, avengers

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Comments 2

emeraldarrows December 8 2013, 13:48:21 UTC
This is stunning. <3


sweetwatersong December 8 2013, 14:10:17 UTC
Thank you. <3 This post-a-thon is really good for me, actually; it's getting a lot of dusty pieces out into the air and out of my eternally growing 'WIP' folder - like this one, which I've had lying around since June.


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