Heirloom [7/?]

Oct 01, 2009 20:11

Title: Heirloom [chapter 7/?]
Author: kiki_fan187
Rating: general
Category: general/angst
Characters: James, Helen, John with Ashley later on.

Summary: James finds something whilst investigating a murder scene. This fic is borne from that discovery ( Read more... )

fics: sanctuary, ! public [fics]

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Comments 2

inperfectpeace October 2 2009, 02:30:43 UTC
Awwww, this chapter was just so perfect. ♥ You do a really good Ashley voice.

Again, she locked John away in the shadows. That. That right there shattered my heart. What a beautiful, simple line. I loved the whole scene with Helen and the imagination!John, but that line killed me.


sweetveritas October 2 2009, 13:58:40 UTC
Thank you so so much! ♥ *Squishes* I'm so so so happy that you like the chapter. I wanted this chapter, above all to be perfect and I'm super syked that you think that it is.

They are just to must angst ravaged OTP over. It's heartbreaking especially after seeing him being so nice and charming and then bam, he's locked away out of her heart again.


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