[locked to hesdead_jim] Alternate Reality

Dec 05, 2010 16:01

Slowly waking up in her big, cozy bed, Daniela scooted back a bit, wanting Leonard's warmth to encompass her. Not feeling any warmer, she scooted back a bit more, then more. She gave a sleepy pout. He must have gone into the bathroom ( Read more... )

verse: tmaace, muse: leonard mccoy [hesdead_jim]

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hesdead_jim December 5 2010, 21:15:31 UTC
Leonard woke with the feel of a warm body pressing into his chest, his arms instinctively tightening. He loved to wake up with Daniela in his arms. Nothing ever got him into a better mood to start off the day. Of course, his good moods didn't last long if he had to cope with stupidity and foolish accidents, but at least the start of the day was a positive one.

He hummed quietly that he loved her, pressed a sleepy kiss to the back of her neck and then froze when he heard the reply. That was not a voice he expected to hear. Especially not in this setting! As the body turned in his arms and kissed his chin, his eyes widened further. Jocelyn?!

She slipped out of the bed and he forced his gaze away when too much flesh came on show that he hadn't seen in a very long time, as she teased him about how he looked stunned this morning. This had to be a dream. A very odd dream. But before he could say anything, in came another familiar face, bounding into the room and jumping onto the bed with enthusiasm to hug him good morning. JoannaThis ( ... )


hesdead_jim December 6 2010, 00:20:54 UTC
He let out a breath then and also stepped closer, leaning in just so to get a better look at her. "I was where I was supposed ta be. Wrong person by my side, though."


sweetinaskirt December 6 2010, 00:23:21 UTC
"W-Wrong person?" Her eyes darted across his face. Who had been in their bed with him when he'd woken up that morning?

"What do you mean?"


hesdead_jim December 6 2010, 00:27:28 UTC
"I need ta know first -- an' feel free ta have me committed if I'm wrong -- what should your last name be?" he worried his bottom lip between his teeth.


sweetinaskirt December 6 2010, 00:31:13 UTC
Now she understood the expression "heart leaps into your throat," because that was exactly how her heart felt at the moment. He was the same Leonard from the night before!

"What should-- I-It's McCoy. McCoy!"


hesdead_jim December 6 2010, 00:32:32 UTC
"Oh, thank th' lord yer normal," telling the computer to lock the door to his office, he immediately moved to wrap his arms around her for a tight, much needed hug.


sweetinaskirt December 6 2010, 00:41:06 UTC
She squealed and threw herself against him, finally starting to cry.

"Oh, Leonard! I thought I was all alone and I didn't know what to do! But now I know you're normal too and-- wait a second."

She pulled back and looked at him with narrowed eyes. "You woke up with the wrong person, you said. Who was in our bed this morning?"


hesdead_jim December 6 2010, 00:42:29 UTC
He evidently hesitated then and his face paled. "It... appears that th' me here is... married. Still. To Jocelyn."


sweetinaskirt December 6 2010, 00:47:18 UTC
Her face contorted almost as if she'd been struck. "W-What?! No... no you can't be. Not her. Y-You can't be!"

There was no person in the universe that Dani disliked more than Jocelyn, barring any Klingon commanders perhaps. But to know she was on the ship and that she'd woken up in Leonard's arms and not Dani hurt more than she thought possible.

Her knees feeling weak, she stepped back until she found the sofa and sat down upon it, still stunned.


hesdead_jim December 6 2010, 00:52:09 UTC
"I--I know. I don't love her. I got th' hell out as quickly as I could do. Her an' Jo seem ta like mornin' conversation with me," he cleared his throat then and moved to perch on the sofa a little away from her, if she wanted her space from him.

"We need ta work out how we got here."


sweetinaskirt December 6 2010, 00:54:34 UTC
"Jo?" she asked weakly, staring at her boots. Joanna was there too? What was she supposed to do with that information? He finally had his daughter back.

Looking up at him warily, she murmured, "And if there's a way back?"


hesdead_jim December 6 2010, 00:57:31 UTC
"Then we take it, of course. This place is insane; we don't belong here," even if leaving Joanna would be hard on him, he loved Daniela with all his heart. His life with her was what mattered.


sweetinaskirt December 6 2010, 01:00:06 UTC
She nodded, wondering if he'd feel the same once it was time to leave this place and Joanna behind. "Ok." Moving closer, she reached for him, wanted to feel his arms around her again. As long as they were stuck in this alternate version of their world, they could only be close behind locked doors.


hesdead_jim December 6 2010, 01:04:13 UTC
He wrapped his arms around her, let her do the same to him and let out a breath. "So... Captain, huh?"


sweetinaskirt December 6 2010, 01:06:41 UTC
She let out a laugh. "I know! What happened to all the qualified people that I ended up being left with the job?" Shaking her head, she looked up at him. "I'm not ambitious enough to even be an Ensign! I have no idea how this happened. Who am I here?"


hesdead_jim December 6 2010, 01:09:13 UTC
"Well, looks like we're both a hell of a lot different here," he commented. "Are you... involved with anyone here?"


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