There's a wind-up man walking round and round. Happy November!

Nov 01, 2004 22:50

Halloween was much fun. Much love to spookypeach. Yay! Unfortunately, I will not be able to bring myself to bite off the heads of anymore pizza men for some time yet. Their abstract goodness is strangely filling.

The election is tomorrow. (Duh.) Motherfucking word, man. I don't know what's going on at the Democrat HQ tomorrow, but I'm working at the ( Read more... )

misc_politics, life_friendlove

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Comments 3

NaNoWriMo paraka November 1 2004, 20:28:39 UTC
If it makes you feel any better, there are 3 of us in the house doing NaNoWriMo (myself included, which is funny since I havn't really written any thing since high school) and all we've done so far is stick our heads in each others rooms and harass each other, since none of us have anything written.


mcpofife November 1 2004, 22:38:46 UTC
Hmm, if you talk about me more, I would find your posts 33% more interesting :-?

Other than that, you are intriguing, my darlingest :-*


moonwind_rising November 2 2004, 00:21:48 UTC
Election = :-SS. We were talking about it in school today, then realised it wouldn't happen for hours yet as it was still yesterday in America. ... that makes sense. I think.

Is NaNoWriMo going any better? :D

Your posts interest/amuse me, and obviously that's all that matters. Er. Heh. Okay, kidding :D. But really, they are. However, I suppose you could always throw in random comments about duck-billed platypuses. They always brighten up the dullest day, right? And why is it "platypuses" and not "platypi"? :|

I think I will go lock myself away from keyboard now :|. And get some sleep. Which I obviously need. Though I still think "platypuses" looks sort of weird.


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