I have caught The Cold That Everyone Else Has, so I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself and attempting to win back control of my nasal cavities enough to breathe. Somewhere along the way, I decided, why yes, it is the perfect time to put together a Merlin/Arthur picspam.
Please, enjoy!
First of all, it must be understood that Merlin and Arthur are not only hot together, they are blazing hot individually. The young Pendragon, for instance, looks quite dashing in his armor.
All the maidens of Camelot swoon over him, and Arthur totally knows it. What a prat.
But, admittedly, he's got the -- ahem -- swordsmanship to back up his boasting.
Then we have Merlin. Less conventionally attractive than tanned, golden Arthur, perhaps, but his pale skin and blue eyes are set off quite nicely by his ever-present scarf. And look at that smile!
Together, of course, the slash practically sparks off the screen. Merlin makes a habit of saving Arthur's life from bad guys...
...and helping Arthur defeat his enemies.
Arthur likes to mock Merlin and make him wear funny outfits...
...but also genuinely appreciates Merlin's company and advice, even if he doesn't show it.
As if all that slashy tension isn't enough, there's also an abundance of phallic imagery...
...and numerous times when the two share intimate moments in Arthur's chambers.
If you can't see the sexual tension between Merlin and Arthur, well... obviously, you're not watching the BBC.
Also? Did I mention? Morgana is hot.
Feel free to post your own favorite Merlin/Arthur moments in the comments!
Plus, go watch
If I Was Your Girl for, ahem, more Merlin/Arthur. Contains
danegen's sharp eye for editing and about a billion blush-worthy visual metaphors. I think I actually shrieked aloud when that gleaming sword went plunging into Arthur's a dark hole. Awesome, hilarious vid.