Title: The Trouble With Americans...
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairings/Characters: Kiku, Alfred, Feliciano, Romano, Antonio
Rating: PG
Warnings: offensive stereotyping, racial humor, offensive ethnic jokes, profanity, and generally Alfred just being an ignorant American.
Summary: Highschool AU. The exploration of the strange friendship between a studious
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Comments 8
Also you just described spanish class perfectly ...yes that IS a bad thing. ;A;
And I like how you described Antonio as being the "young, fresh-out-of-college sort of teacher".
And the Asian math stereotype does not apply to me. But actually, I do know a lot of other Asians who do exceedingly well in math (oh god, did I just say exceedingly?). So I'm guessing it's relatively true and I'm just a weirdo.
Lol. Well, what I'm trying to say is, I loved it and I'm going to read the next chapter.
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