Title: The Trouble With Americans...
Fandom: Hetalia
Pairings/Characters: Alfred, Kiku
Rating: PG
Warnings: offensive stereotyping, racial humor, profanity, and generally Alfred just being an ignorant American.
Summary: Highschool AU. The exploration of the strange friendship between a studious Japanese boy and a rowdy, loud-mouthed blond American. Pre
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Comments 12
"Oh my god, you know Japanese? How do you say 'fuck you'? Or, wait, can you say 'I like hockey'?"
GRRRRRRRRRR...Okay, I'm over it.
Which means this is a very accurate fiction! I hope to read more.
Yeah, I barely know any Japanese, and people constantly ask me how to say curse words. I don't really understand why. What's the novelty in knowing that anyway?
And the whole "Are you from _____?" as well. I drives me insane xD
But ahahaha, I can't wait to see what happens happens in this story x]
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