Today was a vast improvement upon yesterday!
In creative writing, most people are working on new short stories. However, I had a chat with Mr. X, and he said that instead of this and the rest of the portfolio requirements everyone else will be doing, I can write a novel. Which is really a much more productive thing for me to do than random little bits of writing. They're good exercises, sure, but what I'm in dire need of is something to push me, some deadlines to make me actually sit down and write, write what I want to write, what I need to write.
However. Did I mention that there's a new girl in our creative writing class? Yes, this late in the year. She just switched in from another class. She doesn't know anyone in our class to my knowledge, but she still curses and throws insults at people like they're all old friends. And she soooo doesn't know how our group dynamic works. But what grates on my nerves the most is how utterly pretentious she is. She thinks she's such an infinitely better writer than any of us, and is completely stuck up. She loves to talk about this one writer's camp she went to, where she apparently got to meet Tamora Pierce [author of the Circle of Magic Quartet, the Song of the Lioness Quartet, etc.] "and call her Tammy". When she told me that, I flat out said, "I hate you." She thought I was being joking. I'm not so sure I was. I mean, far be it from me to begrudge someone such cool opportunities. But she never shuts up about it, and she seems to think that just because she had the money to do something like that, it makes her a Real Live Writer and sooo above and beyond us all. Oh, and also, all she ever writes is generic emo stuff. I know, I know, I've said before that I don't like to bash other people's writing, and it's true. I'm not saying her work is crap. It's actually pretty good, and I might think more of it if I didn't have a preconceived notion of her. But she as a person just gets on my last nerve. The others that I have comisserated with agree with me.
What does she have to do with my novel project? She's doing one too. So Mr. X said we'd sometimes work together, workshopping each other's writing and stuff. I plastered a smile on my face and said, "Fine, that works." Then this girl - how about we call her Tammy, for grins? - started talking to me, and asked what my novel was going to be about. I answered vaguely, saying it was fantasy, and involved Fey. She said hers was also fantasy. I plastered that smile on again and said, "Oh, cool." Inwardly I snarled, "Step off my genre, bitch." Maybe I feel threatened. Maybe this is good for me. Maybe it will make me push myself more, in an effort to be able to shove it in her face and say, "See? Just because I've never been to a fancy writing camp - even if I've always wanted to - and haven't had breakfast with Tamora Pierce doesn't mean I can't write. And just because you have doesn't mean you're better than me."
All that aside. Pretty soon in creative writing Mr. X is going to take us on an excursion to the college campus. There we will find people to stalk. Yes, stalk. We will find two or more people holding a conversation, and sit nearby them. We will write down what they say, describe them, describe the surroundings, and try to guess at their relationship, who they are, and what's going on with them. Mr. X said he didn't want to have to deal with paperwork, so we must all just not get ourselves killed. We'd be skipping out on school for this thing during third hour - which is when creative writing is - and lunch, and be back in time for fourth hour. I'm not sure when we're doing this - next week, perhaps? He said soon, before it gets too much colder. He said he figured he could trust most of us.. meaning the girls. He reminded us we would have to be very, very discreet in our stalking. One of the hilarious guys in our class said, "Aw, does that mean I can't go like--" and he went up behind one of the girls in the class who he's known for ages, sniffed her neck and hair all creepy-like, and then mimed scribbling on paper furiously. That cracked everyone up. An idea occurred to me, and I announced with delight, "I shall wear my detective hat!" Yes, my hacker hat also doubles as my detective hat. Hmm.. I wonder if I can convince my mom I really need a new coat, so I can go out and buy a trench-style one, like I've wanted for ages. That would be the perfect addition to the hat and the project. Also, in order to get to the college campus, we will need to drive. I'm for once glad I don't have a car... But my friend Kelly does. So I must now find an excuse to not ride in her car, so that I can ride in Mr. X's. Must conspire with Kelly about this. I must see the inside of his car and smell his smells an steal a token from him. That Emma Frost comic gave me Bad Ideas.
Speaking of the Emma Frost comic... The cherry on top of my day was discovering a package from Alice when I got home! I didn't even know she was sending one! I was delighted, and opened it immediately. Inside was the first issue of the six-part Emma Frost comic series - and dude, I have always loved Emma Frost. Also included was a blooming tea that I can't wait to try out, some Book Mooch cards to hand out to people and spread the word [I will take some to the next book club meeting!], and an awesome ring! It looks like brass with a hematite gem in it, if I'm not mistaken. And it fits my pinky finger perfectly! Never missing an opportunity to give my dad a heart attack, when I told him about the gifts Alice had sent me while driving to the grocery store, I said about the ring, "So I guess this means we're engaged now." Heeee. Ever since I told him our Backup Plan was to become teachers and get married if we're not already by the time we're 40, he's been looking a little bit scared.. He's probably cursing my brother for letting me hang out with a happily married lesbian couple in Florida. *glomps Alice* Thank you dahling! The unexpected and awesome package totally brightened my day!
Also, True Blood continues to be awesome! I watched the fifth episode online tonight. I'm very pleased to see that the show is following the plotline of the first book almost to a T. Oh, I hope they leave in the-- well, I won't say it, because I hate spoilers. The one that guards Sookie's body is all I shall say. I cannot wait to see what Cleolinda would say about that. Speaking of Cleolinda and True Blood, our hilarious lady has begun writing recaps of the show, like she did with LOST! And they are made of win. I provide links of the ones she has done!
True Blood 1x01 True Blood 1x02 True Blood 1x03