Title: Special Happiness
Pairing: Junno x Kame
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: PG/PG-13
Word count: 984
Summary: Kame and Junno and TUN are playing in the snow.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot, if even that.
A/N: I originally wrote this for the
JE AUTUMN KISS MEME and it was originally posted
here where I totally forgot to stay anon. Hope some of you
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Comments 8
I want to say thank you for writing this once again ♥♥♥ (I was an OP =))
He melts into the kiss, melts into Junno’s soft warm lips and his tongue that tastes of the hot chocolate they had earlier during the filming.
I wanted to put hot chocolate somewhere in my prompt but forgot about it in the end XDD And when I read that sentence I was all asdfgfghf; XDDDD
Really thank you for the fic
( ... )
It still makes me really happy to hear you enjoyed what I wrote, but really, you should get some of the credit since it was your prompt that inspire the story ♥
Hot Chocolate is a must in a winter fic, so it just naturally sneaked its way into this XP
Sure you can add me as a friend! I'm always open to meet new people :D
thanks ♥ but I think then part of credit should go to the JE Random Pairing Generator as well XDDD Because I took the snowball fight (as well as pillow fight from my previous prompt from smut meme) from it XDDD Even though I can't write fanfiction at all (even in my native language) I like to play with that Generator sometimes XDDD
That generator is quite funny, but I've never gotten inspired by it before, well until you showed up in my life and tricked me with it ;P
I'm doing a 10 genres fanfic meme, and if you feel like it you can go here and request :D
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