Monstrosity and Miracle [Sora/Riku/Kairi]

Jul 12, 2008 22:00

Canon Status: AU.
Genre: ANGST/Romance.
Rating: PG-13.
Characters: Riku, Kairi, Sora, et. al.
Pairing: Sora/Riku/Kairi.
Warnings: M/M/F threesome, violence, minor character death. Severe emo. Vampires.
Notes: I must stop thinking about the most commonly abused badfic settings. I really must. Title from Montaigne: I have seen no more evident ( Read more... )

kingdom hearts, 5000-10000 words, oneshot, pg-13, complete, fanfiction

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Comments 24

fortuna_s July 13 2008, 14:45:47 UTC
*tears up*
possibly the best combination of cute and angst I've ever seen.
I loved how completely unfazed Sora and Kairi were about finding out Riku was a vampire. And Axel and Roxas as vampire hunters? Winwinwinwinwin.

Just...thank you for reminding us all that vamp fics can, in fact, be done and done right.


cygna_hime July 13 2008, 17:00:10 UTC
Considering how Sora and Kairi react in KH to all the epic weird, "Oh, so you're a vampire, then?" seemed about right for their reaction. (Axel and Roxas are actually part of a whole group of vampire hunters consisting of...well, of the rest of the Org who weren't already vampires. I think Marluxia is in charge or likes to think he is. A bunch of stuff showed up in my head while writing this story that doesn't belong in the actual story.)

*blushes* I'm glad you like it!


fortuna_s July 15 2008, 01:28:07 UTC
If it ever came to that, I would really like my friends to react like that to me XD (then again, we're all a bunch of wannabe vampires, so I think it would be fodder for envy more than anything XD)

...Marluxia in charge of a group of vampire hunters just freaking made my life. If you continue this, PLEASE include that.

Of course I like it! You're an excellent writer! I really have half a mind to just friend this journal so I can just conviently see when you've updated it ^///^U


cygna_hime July 15 2008, 02:15:43 UTC
I'm not sure how "in charge" Marluxia actually is, considering that this is a group consisting of Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Larxene, and Roxas (with optional Naminé), only one of whom is likely to obey his orders Just Because. But nobody else cares much as long as he doesn't try to actually make them do anything they don't want to.

*blushes more* You can friend this journal if you want; it won't friend you back, because I'm not actually here, but if you want to see updates, go right ahead!


rhaella July 13 2008, 15:23:49 UTC
Ah, I see what you mean by playing around with AUs. :3 For what it's worth, Riku isn't half angsty as many vampires I've seen. And is it bad that Zexion's "oh come to me ye unfortunate and hopeless" reminded slightly me of Anne Rice's Armand? *is shot for her priorities*


cygna_hime July 13 2008, 17:03:19 UTC
AUs are fun! *splashes happily* (There are vampires that much angstier than Riku? Sweet heavenly gods...)

Does Zexion really? I've never read anything by Anne Rice, so it wasn't intentional. (Zexion goes for the suicidal because it's more efficient; they'd be dead soon anyway, so there's no big jump in the death rate. A real gentleman, that Zexion...)

*throws Phoenix Down on*


rhaella July 13 2008, 17:22:49 UTC
Oh, yes. Louis, again from the Vampire Chronicles, gets so damn "woe is me" that you want to just hit him over the head with something. He's probably the worst of the bunch, though, since Anne Rice does melodrama like whoa.

Yep, Armand is your typical beautiful, darkly alluring angel of death sort. It fits, dammit. I think in his case it's more the... artistic mercy of that type of kill than anything else, since the guy has got quite a few bizarre quirks. And he's medieval enough that such logic probably escapes him.


cygna_hime July 13 2008, 18:00:45 UTC
Wow. And here I thought Riku was angsting until I wanted to kick him and completely sympathized with Axel's urge to shoot him with a wooden stake. And I never sympathize with Axel.

Zexion raises an eyebrow at you. Reeeeally, now? (He is not a sentimental type, although what he calls "efficiency" someone less scientific by nature might call "artistic mercy".) [Okay, to be completely honest, my initial impulse was to have Zexion kill the suicidal because he's granting their wish for death, but then I realized that Zexion does not approve of such unscientific action.]


fox_the_kitsune July 14 2008, 05:17:42 UTC
You might like Syvia's vampire AU. And I definitely like this fic. =D

Man, I want to see what happens with Roxas now.


cygna_hime July 15 2008, 02:22:39 UTC
Oooh, vampires? *goes off to investigate*

...I kind of want him to tell me, myself. *bangs on Roxas's door* Hey, kid, feel like telling me what you're going to do about this?

Roxas: Call in about six hours and threaten whatsisname within an inch of his unlife, duh. After I'm done ripping Axel's soul to shreds again.

There you have it! Sort of.


fox_the_kitsune July 15 2008, 03:12:49 UTC
XD And the threats would probably just make Riku angst some more.


cygna_hime July 15 2008, 03:31:15 UTC
Naturally. Except then Sora grabs the phone away and starts yelling back about how Roxas's boyfriend almost shot all three of them, Kairi snags it and confirms this as well as pulling off a masterful piece of emotional warfare, and Roxas eventually gives up for the moment. And then shows up in person to stalk observe them and whether or not he should just sneak garlic into Riku's food and take the consequences. Because family means never having to say you're sorry for snooping around checking that the good-for-nothing boyfriend doesn't deserve to die. So in all these HIJINKS, I'm not sure Riku will have time to angst.


darkangel_wings July 27 2008, 03:35:18 UTC
That was fantastic! I like vampires, as cliche as they are, but usually a vampire fic is full of OOC and TERRIBLE. This was completely marvelous. I adored how you portrayed the characters, and it didn't stray into too many of the usual cliche bits. Riku was still an awkward (angsty) teenage boy under it all. Great job!


shinzuku September 3 2008, 14:52:16 UTC
“I was kidding, silly. I could never leave my boys to fumble around emotions on their own. It’d be cruel.”



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