"Officer Pond" (NCIS/Doctor Who, Abby/Amy)

Dec 30, 2011 19:06

Title: Officer Pond
Fandom: Doctor Who/NCIS
Pairing: Amy/Abby
Rating: 18/NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who or NCIS or any characters featured in this not-for-profit fic.
Summary: A piece originally written for kink bingo 2011 for the 'Authority Figures' square
Warnings: f/f sexytimes, spanking

The knocking on the door was loud and insistent.

"Coming!" Abby Sciuto yelled, rushing to the front door of her apartment. She was barefoot, wearing a knee-length black skirt and a black t-shirt with a large pink pentagram across the chest. Around her neck was a black collar with silver studs. Her her was in pigtails, the ties holding them were bright red.

She opened the door quickly and took a moment to process what she was seeing.

Amy Pond was in uniform. A police uniform. Her ginger hair was neatly tied up, and on her head was a small bowler hat. She had a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up; over it was a stab vest that said 'Police' in white letters over the left breast. Attached to the vest, just above the lettering, was a fake police radio. The vest had a couple of pouches on it. Amy's skirt was very very short and black. She was wearing stockings, the lace tops of which were visible. On her feet were practical shoes polished to a shine. Around her waist was a belt with a holster for handcuffs at her right hip and a baton on her left.

"Is that British?" Abby asked.

"Yes, yes it is," Amy flashed Abby a grin. "Like it?"

Abby nodded. She loved the uniform, it was official looking, but the skirt and the stockings and Amy herself added a sexy edge. "What can I do for you officer?"

"I'm afraid we've received a few complaints Miss Sciuto," Amy said in her best serious voice.

"What kind of complaints?" Abby smiled, playing along.

"I think that would be best discussed inside, don't you?"

"Uh, sure, come in," Abby stepped aside and motioned for the uniformed woman to enter.

Amy did and Abby took the opportunity to look at Amy's outfit from behind as she closed the door.

"As I was saying we've had complaints. Lots of complaints."

​"I can't think why, I'm a very good girl," Abby said, fluttering her eyelashes.

"That's not what I've heard Miss Sciuto."

Abby liked that Amy was calling her Miss Sciuto. Her tone was one that put Amy firmly in charge, authoritative, putting her in her place. "I don't know what you could possibly mean."

"Your neighbours have been telling me that they hear noises at all hours of the night."

"What kind of noises?"

"Screaming and moaning and yelling. Can you think of any reason why they'd say that Miss Scuito?" Amy put her hand on her hip and raised her eyebrow, looking at Abby with a stern expression. She had the whole policewoman act down perfect, she had had a lot of practice at it from her career as a kissogram.

"No, no idea officer."

"No ideas at all?"

Abby shook her head, pursing her lips.

"Absolutely sure about that?"

"I have no idea," Abby insisted.

"Before these offensive noises a woman was seen entering your apartment, often wearing skimpy clothing. Ringing any bells?"

Abby bit her bottom lip and looked over Amy in her uniform. God she was so sexy. "Maybe? Was the woman they saw really really hot?"

"They might have mentioned something like that," Amy smirked.

"Did they think she seemed to be a total nymphomaniac?"

"I believe so, is this a confession Miss Sciuto?"

"Yes yes, I confess!" Abby declared.

"This is a very serious matter. What were you and this mysterious woman doing to cause so much noise?"

"We were...fucking mostly."

"Fucking!" Amy's jaw dropped in mock shock. "Turn around," she ordered

Abby nodded and turned to face away from Amy. She heard the redhead approach and come in close, feeling her breath on the back of her neck.

"Hands behind your back," Amy said leaning in close.

"Yes officer," Abby complied, putting her hands behind her back. Amy took her handcuffs from the holster and secured her suspect by the wrists with them.

​"I am arresting you Abigail Sciuto on suspicion of being a wanton slut. Anything you say will be used against you, understood?"

"Yes," Abby nodded, the metal of the cuffs was tight against her wrists. Her heart was racing, and she had a feeling of warmth that was spreading through her abdomen. She wanted Amy, and she wanted Amy to keep acting like this.

"Show me the scene of the crime," Amy said. Abby started towards the bedroom. "Come on, move it!" Amy gave the scientist a push on her lower back. Abby moved faster.

Once in the bedroom Abby stopped when she reached the bed. "This is is, this is where we did most of our fucking."


"Yeah well we've done it on the couch, the kitchen table and the floors, and the shower, in a coffin, and the car."

"My you two really are bad girls."

"She's a bad influence on me."

"I don't think you need much persuading to be bad," Amy said and shoved Abby, causing her to fall forward onto the bed, both of her feet were still on the floor.

"What are you going to do to me officer?"

"Whatever I want Miss Sciuto, or are you going to add resisting arrest to your list of crimes?" Amy slowly started to lift Abby's skirt.

"I wouldn't want to get into more trouble," Abby shifted her stance, spreading her legs a little further apart. She wasn't at all comfortable, but it was very much worth it.

"No, you wouldn't," Amy raised Abby's skirt until it was bunched up at her waist. Abby was wearing a black thong. "Oh dear, even your underwear is slutty, this really is serious."

Abby swallowed loudly, wondering what Amy was going to do next. She had a few ides, being completely at the mercy of officer Pond was wonderful fuel for her perverted imagination.

Amy ran both hands over Abby's buttocks, then down her thighs and back up again. She squeezed and massaged, then her left hand slipped down between Abby's legs. "You're wet."

Yes," the dark haired woman replied in a hushed tone.

"You're just making things worse for yourself," amy pressed her hand harder against Abby's crotch. Abby squirmed.

"I can't help it. She makes me horny."

The spank came from nowhere, a hard smack that made Abby cry out, and before she could give voice to her surprise Amy smacked her again. Both Amy's hands returned to her handcuffed lover's behind massaging with loved care.

"Is this police brutality?" Abby asked.

​"Not yet, why is that what you'd like?"

"No," Abby said in a way that meant yes. Amy smacked her behind again, harder. Abby whimpered and wiggled her ass from side to side. The Scottish woman ran her hands over the ass in front of her again and again, as if memorising the feel of every inch of soft skin.

As her left hand kept massaging Abby's butt the fingers of Amy's right hand traced the edge of the black thong. Her fingers followed the fabric over the scientist's hip, across the small of her back and down the crack between her buttocks. She again put her hand to Abby's crotch, rubbing the outside of the damp material with the heel of her hand. After a few moments she pinched the fabric and tugged it, slowly drawing the underwear down.

Her eyes roamed over Abby's exposed pussy. Pink and glistening with wetness it looked positively yummy. She stopped with the thpmg at Abby's knees and withdrew both of her hands.

Abby knew Amy was right there behind her. She could hear her breathing, but she was just standing, not touching her anymore, not saying anything. Just standing. Just looking at her with her panties round her knees, bent over, bare and vulnerable. Officer Pond just stayed like that, giving Abby no clue as to what was going to happen next.

Amy knew that Abby would be wondering what was going on. She smiled as she just took in the sight of Abby so wet and so very ready to be taken whenever she wanted.

Abby heard movement, she tried to crane her neck but she couldn't see Amy, not without moving from the position she was in. Then she felt something cool and hard press against the inside of her thigh. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart skipped a beat, her body tensing. The hard object slowly started moving up.

Abby realised that it was the baton that Amy had had clipped to her belt. The thing was an inch and a half wide, and the length of her forearm. She sincerely hoped that Amy wasn't expecting to try and get her to somehow take the whole thing inside her or something.

Amy stopped her upward progress and moved the baton across to the other thigh, stroking it down at first before resuming her journey up to the pink slit that was its destination.

With her left hand Amy spanked Abby again, the loud crack was followed by a squeal of delight. "Are you ready to face the consequences of your behaviour Miss Sciuto? Ready to feel the full force of the law?"

"Yes officer, I'm ready."

"We'll see," said Amy, the tip of the baton reaching its target. Amy rubbed it up and down Abby's sweet opening. Abby spread her legs wider and adjusted position to push her butt higher in the air.

Amy pressed the baton to her lover's slick folds, lining it up with her tight entrance. Abby moaned and clenched her hands into fists as the end of the baton penetrated her. The redhead eased it it, keeping a steady pressure.

Abby felt it filling her, knowing that Amy was watching it slowly disappearing into her body made it all the hotter. Thinking about her in her uniform, thinking about her having control. She rolled her hips, eager to take more and more of the baton in. Her vagina stretched to accommodate the invading object.

​As it got deeper and deeper Amy slowed, giving Abby time to adjust. "More?" she asked.

"Yes, oh god yes," Abby whimpered.

Amy pressed on until Abby signaled she could take no more. Holding the baton in a tight grip Amy twisted it back and forth and slowly pulled it out, leaving only the very end still inside. After a few seconds she started pushing it back in.

Abby moaned and wriggled as the baton was repeatedly pulled back then slid back in, each stroke taking less time than the last.

Within five minutes Amy was fucking Abby with the baton, thrusting with a firm rhythm, holding on to Abby's hip with her other hand. She gave the scientist an occasional spank which elicited satisfying extra loud groans of pleasure.

When Abby came it was loud and beautiful, her body overwhelmed with fiery joy.

After the final aftershocks had faded Amy set the baton down on the bed and helped her handcuffed partner up onto it too. Abby's clothes were clinging to her sweaty body, her expression blissful.

Amy got on the bed with her, face to face. They kissed for the first time since Amy had entered the apartment. It was soft and tender.

"Was that okay?" Amy asked.

"That was way way way more than okay, that was exactly what I wanted," Abby smiled and kissed Amy again. "So how about you tell me one of your fantasies?"

Amy Pond Smiled. "Maybe later, we've still go the strip search to do."

femslash, ncis, amy/abby, doctor who, nc-17, amy, abby, fic

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