GuardiANgels Chapter 02

May 19, 2012 17:00

DISCLAIMER: This by all means is not related to anyone from B2ST and I do not own any of them. Their names and looks were used for the sole purpose to be a base on fictional characters. (I have no information ff Dongwoon is an angel in real life, but I would highly approve of it going public. Same goes for the other five.)

It took Doojoon and Dongwoon a week to settle in the new apartment. Dongwoon himself was amazed by how many things they both possessed and cursed that, because finding place for everything was hard, but in the end every tiny object was found a place. And it’s not like the apartment was small. Actually it had two bedrooms, living room and bathroom, kitchen-dining room. It was all they ever wanted… Well Dongwoon actually wanted an apartment in the other side of the building, since they had the bay windows in the living room that he loved so much, but there were no available apartments there. And the building was in the best place for both of them so Doojoon insisted on living in it.

Dongwoon sighed as he poked his breakfast, which earned him a swat behind the head from Doojoon.

“Don’t waste more time. Eat and then go to lectures and after you finish come by the studio, the Yongs are coming today to talk about the first photo shoot before the reception.”

“Is there a day I haven’t come by the studio?” the younger boy asked offended and ate a spoon of rice.

“Sometimes I wish there was. I and Eunhyuk can do fine if you take a day-off, kid.” With that Doojoon ruffled Dongwoon’s hair and stood up.

“But I love taking pictures.” Dongwoon answered, before cleaning after himself and getting ready to head out.

It was not that he didn’t trust his hyungs and he knew Doojoon only wanted for his dongsaeng to finish his major like he did, but all Dongwoon really wanted was to take pictures, to capture memories in a single frame. And even if Doojoon graduated with Film Production major last year and Eunhyuk with Photography major two years beforehand that didn’t mean that Dongwoon had to graduate too… It’s not like he didn’t want to, but the stuff they were learning were irrelevant to him and sometimes he hated going to lectures and listen about the history of some photographer. And it was not like the diploma decides who has talent and who doesn’t and that showed in Dongwoon’s excellent grades when it come to shooting and not so good ones when it came to theory.

“I’m going!” shouted the younger male, closing the door and heading to the elevator.

He waited only a few seconds when the elevator’s doors opened and Dongwoon was faced with a male, slightly shorter than him, with black hair, almond eyes and thick lips. He stepped back, so the male can get out and bowed slightly, earning a soft smile from the guy who got out and headed down the corridor. Dongwoon took a quick glance at his watch before grunting and getting in the elevator, cursing the fact that he had a lecture to go to, which he was a little late for.

“Relax… he lives on the same floor. You will eventually meet him again.” He murmured on the way down before thinking it over again and sighing. “Even if you do what will happen? You’re Doo’s guarding angel, idiot.” He grunted and hit his head in the metal wall of the moving box.

Dongwoon had a type, unlike Doojoon thought. He liked guys who are neither cute nor manly; just the perfect mixture between them. It was someone who can look cool and composed and at the same time look like a teddy bear who you can hug. Of course that person had to understand the beauty of photography, unlike one of the guys he dated who always asked what’s so special about taking pictures, but that’s for later. Dongwoon himself knew it was nearly impossible finding someone like that, but he already dated one or two guys similar to it and when he did meet someone fitting his type he had the urge to try and see what will happen with that person… most of the time though it didn’t work, but this guy was so near to his ideal type it was a little frightening.

Dongwoon sighed again and as the elevator reached the ground floor he got out and started running down the road to his university. He had a boring lecture to attend to.

As Gi Kwang opened the door to the apartment he heard a cheerful ‘welcome home’ from his roommate and he went to plop down on the couch, made especially to stay beneath the bay window.

“I’m not covering for Himchan again!” he then yelled and trashed around.

“You always say that and in the end you go and cover his nightshifts.” The light haired one said, presenting the laying one with a steaming cup of hot chocolate. “Now take a nap and I will wake you before you have to head out.”

“What will I do without you, Seobbie?” he smiled and drank from the cup, drawing a pleasurable sound form his lips afterwards. “But I will be groggy if I go to sleep now.”

“Then should I bug you?” the other male asked, a smile placed on his lips as he sat next to his friend.

“I’m all ears.”

“Remember those photographers I told you about? That work around five blocks down?”

“The ones that moved on our floor?” asked in return Gi Kwang taking another sip from his cup and earning a shocked expression from Yoseob. “You do know I have a good memory, don’t make that face now. So, what about them?” Yoseob took a deep breath before grinning.

“I see one of them regularly at the supermarket. But usually when I go out he goes in.”

“The really tall one?”

“The other, the black haired guy.”

“With the strange face?”

“His face is not strange!” protested Yoseob, pushing his friend away and pouting.

“Ok, if you say.” Gi Kwang laughed. “Have you talked with him?”

“No, but I plan to.” The light brown haired boy answered scratching his neck and standing up, heading to the kitchen.

“Make some cookies and go greet them like a good neighbor.”

“Will you come with me?”

“I’m not a good neighbor.” With that Gi Kwang lay again on the couch, stretching his arms and sighing loudly, missing Yoseob’s curses and rants about what he said. Both of them knew he would go with him if Yoseob really decided to go. But really what did Yoseob find in that other guy? The one he just passed was way better than him. Though he had to admit the other one had a nice smile, and Yoseob was always for smiles. “But really… Another guardian?” He murmured before closing his eyes.

The day his new neighbors moved in he sensed something really strange about them, but he couldn’t really decide about who it was, so he waited until they’re separated. And lucky for him they did separate and the one remaining was with the strange vibe, the one from the elevator. And it turned out he was the guardian for the other one probably… thinking about it: its better Yoseob didn’t fall for him. Even if that guy is not in love with the one he’s guarding, unlike Gi Kwang, he would hurt Yoseob, because no matter what he will only care for the other guy. But really that guy was slow. He should’ve sensed Gi Kwang was not ordinary just now, instead he just ogled him. Maybe he should’ve actually let him know he’s the other angel, instead of hiding.

“And they’re named Dongwoon and Doojoon, just so you know.” Came Yoseob’s voice.

“How do you know?” asked Gi Kwang looking towards his friend in wonder.

“Junhyung’s brother hired them for the wedding and I asked Junnie and he told me.” Gi Kwang puffed his cheeks and was just about to ask something when Yoseob beat him to it, answering. “The guy with the strange face is Doojoon.”

“I thought his face was not strange.” Gi Kwang grinned and earned a cookie being thrown at him.

“You’re coming with me tonight to greet them!” the light haired one huffed and went to get his bag. “I’m going to work. You don’t fall asleep!”

“Yea, yea. Go.”

Gi Kwang and Yoseob knew each other from the age of four. They became close really fast and Yoseob was really precious to Gi Kwang, which led to Gi Kwang becoming his guardian angel. Now they were 24 each and were in their last year at university, but both were working. It was more like training actually; taking in account that their working hours were considered with their lectures, but both of them knew they would be kept at their respective jobs - Yoseob as an advertisement manager and Gi Kwang as math teacher.

The black haired boy closed his eyes and licked his lips thinking about how he really had to stop saying bad stuff about the guys Yoseob liked… the older one had no fault that he didn’t love Gi Kwang back and he by all means did not blame him for it. Gi Kwang knew it was his fate to always love his best friend and not get his feelings returned. And even though he never had a real relationship thanks to that it didn’t mean he never got emotionally or physically attached to other people. He really had no problem with both genders either but in the end it was always Yoseob who he loved the most. Gi Kwang also knew that not every guardian was like him, but really - how can you love someone else when all your attention is on one person? That was a reason why he tried avoiding most guardians and why he hid from the taller one… Dongwoon was it? He didn’t want to judge him without knowing him, but he was afraid he already did so. For Yoseob’s good he has to change that.

I'm posting it, because I do have quite the progress with the next chapter. And the next update will come when I'm at least half the way with the 4th chapter.
You got it right? Who was who? =D It was not that hard rly. Yea... well I can rly point out the couples, but where's the fun in that? ^^ and I can decide to change them so... *looks away smirking* Please do comment me? ^-^

#chaptered, member: gikwang, member: doojoon, #fanfiction, member: dongwoon, member: yoseob

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