The Pulsar Skate moves nimbly through the asteroid field, easily dodging the odd floating rock with Mirax at the controls. The blue surface of Mrlsst, swirled with white, looms large in the background, while the asteroids spin, slow and silent and dark
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It looks like it may have been abandoned. "Teeming with life, huh?"
She frowns, "But then why steal the datacards? Surely you didn't think the Empire would just leave. They came for the Phantom Ship, and they won't leave without it. What do you do now?"
One of the humans focuses on the glowing figure. "Is that ... the real Ghost Jedi?"
Mentally facepalming again, the other human scoffs. "Get real! How could a ghost be real?"
"Groznik? What are you--?"
"So, Gade Yedan, where's the lab?"
He thinks it was funny.
Some people, somewhere, might agree. Maybe.
"Stuff the jokes, Gade." He opens up the comm to his escort. "We're coming in. Cover us!"
Except they aren't going in, because the asteroid is exploding, pelting his shuttle and her escort with debris, bright fire and light obscuring the viewport.
"Enough! I've tried playing nice, but if you want to play destruction, destruction it is!"
Speeding through the Mrlssti capital city in the landspeeder, Wedge Antilles wasn't killed by his four pilots as he explained that the phantom ship wasn't real. It all made a twisted kind of sense: make the Empire believe that the ship is real, make the Empire try to construct the ship, make the Empire procure large numbers of Durindfire gems -- which could then be tracked to a building facility, which could be neutralized. Simple ( ... )
"I don't know," she sighs, knowing she sounds insane. "It had Throm's face..."
"Captain Antilles!" he's shouting. "Captain Antilles!"
Hopefully he won't be heading back to jail.
"What's happened, Noss Prisht?" No polite semi-diplomatic wording this time. He's getting tired of this planet.
Electrocution has that effect on his temper, yes.
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