bad news on the OOT dvd release

May 30, 2006 23:24

SAW this and thought you should see it.....

(EARLY UPDATE - 5/25/06 - 12:01 AM PDT)

Well... wouldn't you know it. For every bit of good DVD news this week, it seems as if there's bad to go along with it.

For those of you who haven't gotten enough Star Wars DVD news in the last couple of weeks, Home Media Retailing has just posted an online story on the controversy. For the record, yours truly was interviewed for the piece along with Ron Epstein of the Home Theater Forum and Lucasfilm's Director of Publicity, John Singh. We mention the topic on this particular Thursday morning, of course, in honor of the theatrical debut of the original Star Wars 29 years ago today. If you're having trouble recalling those carefree good times, we refer you to our friend Michael Coate's excellent article on the subject over at From Script to

On a related note, the website has posted the text of a form letter that Lucasfilm is sending out to its fans (those who've e-mailed the company to complain about the lack of anamorphic enhancement on the original film version "bonus" DVDs). None of it is going to make those of you who are already upset any happier. In any case, Lucasfilm will do what they will do. We've certainly said our piece and, ultimately, it's your $90 to spend (or not). So, barring any late-breaking developments, we're done with the subject of Star Wars DVDs for a while.

Seems like we say that about once a year, don't we? ;)

We hope you've enjoyed today's 100% Midichlorian-free DVD news report. We're sorry to note, however, that many Bothans died to bring you this information.

Stay tuned!


First up today, Video Business has just posted a story on the Star Wars DVD issue. There are some quotes and comments in there that are probably going to piss a lot of you off. According to the piece: "[Lucasfilm] felt there was little need to invest resources into sprucing up films that have already been restored to pristine form." Says Lucasfilm spokesperson John Singh: "The late '90s theatrical versions represent George's vision for Star Wars. We hoped that by releasing the original movies as a bonus disc, it would be a way to give the fans something that is fun. We certainly didn't want to be become a source of frustration for fans." Hoooo-boy. Well... so much for that idea. You know what they say: If wishes were horses, we'd all be covered in hoofprints and dung.

The story further indicates that Lucasfilm will be contacting its fans directly (probably via their Star website and newsletter) to explain the situation. In other words, their corporate spin machine is about to start telling you why they're doing you such a big favor, and why you shouldn't care that the original versions of these films are being handled so shoddily. ('Cause... you know... it's not like they REALLY exist anymore anyway, right?) And oh, by the way, would you all please quit yer bitching and just fork over another $90 already? Because, you see, George urgently needs to build the Skywalker Ranch - East out in The Hamptons or the Lucasfilm Empire will collapse. And just for you Jedi loyalists, every paying Hyperspace member that owns at least 10 different copies of these films on VHS, Betamax, SelectaVision, Laserdisc, VideoCD, DVD (and eventually HD-DVD, Blu-ray Disc and LucasDigital 3D-matic Download)... gets the EXCLUSIVE opportunity to purchase them all again, this time dipped in 12-karat gold (along with a special bonus disc featuring video of George Lucas telling you why making these movies was all just a big waste of his time and nobody should ever have liked them in the first place)!

We overstate, of course... but only a little. You know... as much money as Lucasfilm rakes in from Star Wars, you think they could treat their fans (and their films) with just a little more respect.

Hhmmmm. This all reminds us of a line from a little art flick we liked back in the day. Lesseeee... we think it went something like...

"Buy more. Buy more now. Buy more and be happy." - THX-1138
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