Since my list of fics is getting a little long, I thought that I would make a rec list for you all! There's lots of ships, from Chloe/Tess, Chloe/Oliver, Chloe/Bart to Clark/Oliver, Clark/Lois and plenty of Clark/Bruce. There's even Chlo-Lo! Something for (almost) everyone. :)
fics here )
Comments 12
I know, right? I just saw my list growing and was like, "yeah, I need to post this now."
Thanks so much for doing this!! :D
No need to thank me but you're welcome! Glad you like it. :)
I swear, the minute I realized how many of your fics I hadn't read, I was thinking 'oh man, she might need her own rec list!' :D
I'm especially excited to check out the Clark/Lois and Chloe & Lois stuff!
Enjoy! I hope you find something you like.
If you need recs for Smallville communities to find more fic, just let me know and I could point you in the direction of some Clois.
Also, some of my favorite Clois authors include htbthomas, xenokattz, saavikam77 and on, jade4813 (whose 'a world without superman' is still one of my favs).
You're very welcome! I am glad you're finding fics you enjoy. ladygawain is also really good.
I raided your profile to find Smallville communities too. (So excited to find your Lois/Tess and Chloe/Tess communities too!)
Awesome! I was going to suggest that too. It's awesome that you love Lois/Tess & Chloe/Tess. Both those ships need more love.
You've been most helpful in aiding my obsession!
Yay! That makes me happy. I always am willing to help a fellow fan. :D
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