Title: Before We Turn to Stone
Song: Turn to Stone
Artist: Ingrid Michaelson
Fandom(s): Merlin
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Arthur/Gwen
Spoilers: Through 3x10
Creator: SVEvenstar (
Length: 3:24
Warnings: Angst, allusions to a character death
A/N: (Vid is voice-over heavy and is best listened to with headphones.) I definitely didn't start this vid intending it to be angsty, but it seems angst is all that's on my mind at the moment. This vid examines Arthur's reaction to Gwen's death sentence and Gwen's reaction to Arthur's proposed sacrifice. The vid goes back and forth between the tragedy and the moments that lead up to it as well as memories of plans they had made for the future (so yes, for the purposes of this vid some scenes -- such as Arthur and Gwen's discussion about him giving up the throne -- occurred before their appearance in the episode). I imagined that during this time Arthur felt guilty for pushing the relationship when Gwen had said many times before that she didn't think it was wise (even though she definitely started "courting" him on her own accord). That said, this vid also attempts to show how there really was no better path to take: in the end they seized the day (carpe diem <3) and didn't allow their fears to prevent them from finding true love and -- however fleeting it might've been -- happiness. Note: this vid takes place in the time leading up to Gwen's execution. Whether she actually dies or not is up to the viewer (and that view will determine whether this video is or is not AU). (This vid may or may not have been heavily influenced by the fic I just posted. >_<)
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