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Comments 18

twinsarein December 8 2009, 04:53:17 UTC
1. Awww! Good for Lex, holding his curiousity at bay and being so grateful that Clark gets better.

2. *snorfle* What good friends, to act so silly to make Choe feel better. I like the image of the silly string being like the ropes that attempts to bing Gulliver.

3. Oh, you're killing me here. Lex playing Minesweeper (I love that game), Clark watching him through the wall (a much better sight than a gory movie), and a nice creative premise.

4. Eeps - all the Luthors and Kents together under one roof? Is anyone going to be left alive come morning?

5. *Wail* You did just kill me. Or Lex anyway, which is almost worse. *sniff* Poor Clark!

*goes to reread your comment fic to cheer myself back up*

psst - Nice job, btw!


sue_dreams December 8 2009, 05:01:51 UTC
1) Build-up, sadly, was titled because I see it as set in that time period before things go so bad. I was... not exactly cheery of mind during the writing of all of these.

2) And this, sadly, is unlikely to ever happen, but it does in my personal fanon.

3) I'm glad you liked it. I love Minesweeper, myself.

4) Well, since the elder Kents and Luthor are sick, and presumable in separate rooms, this is probably the only holiday where nobody fights. ^__^ But Clark and Lex will take what they can get. And Lucas, at least, will be snarky with Lex while Clark pouts the 'adults' into submission and cooperation.

5) I love you. Writing it was hard. *sniffs*

Which commentfic, out of curiosity? There are so many of them.


nonotthatone December 8 2009, 13:54:29 UTC
I love a Lex who's clue-gathering even as he's loving. Gah, my heart.

Oh Chloe. Yes, you are a brilliant puppetmaster, but seeing you pull the strings makes me so lonely for the way you used to be.

Does Clark know Lex is playing minesweeper because he x-rayed the screen? Poor Lex. He's at such a disadvantage with Clark; he can watch surreptitiously, sure, but Clark can see through his clothes. Unfair. :)

You like the holidays, don't you? Admit it.

Oh, sad. But - yes. It's inevitable, isn't it? If there's a way to stay young forever via science or some other cosmic cheat, I'm sure Lex will find it; but if not, there's no way around this future.


sue_dreams December 8 2009, 17:17:29 UTC
I think, even if he wanted to, Lex is incapable of turning off his brain.

Ah, Chloe. I was going for a more light-hearted feel, but you're observation is good.

There was going to be commentfic, but it went surprisingly well (given recent problems) and so it will be posted to my journal later as a ficlet. It's possible the screen is just tilted so that Clark can see it, though I won't discount x-ray vision abuse. ^__^ And Clark will be very surprised when Lex starts lead-lining his underwear.

I love the holidays.

I also love the stories where the meteor changes give Lex an extended lifetime, one to match Clark's extended (finite) lifetime... but the odds are against them. (That's why cloning is so important. >D)


nonotthatone December 8 2009, 17:30:39 UTC
So there's more holiday schmoop in our collective futures? :) Can't wait. (I have to cop to being a Christmas cynic; give me Halloween instead. But I'll take it from you!)


sue_dreams December 8 2009, 17:38:18 UTC
I like all holidays. I will schmoop of Memorial Day, given a chance. Birthdays, Labor Day, National Speak Like a Pirate Day (which I missed AGAIN this year).

I'm easy.

But if you want more schmoop? Tempt me properly, baby. (Though the things I could do with "But I'll take it from you" are... possibly fun.)


jlvsclrk December 8 2009, 16:51:04 UTC
The first four were so fun and fluffy and I was preparing my comments when the last drabble knocked all thoughts out of my head. Aagghhh! Immortality isn't what it's cracked up to be. I wonder if a person would go mad if everyone they knew kept dying, faster and faster it would no doubt seem from their POV. Would you stop trying to make new relationships to spare yourself the grief? Aagghhh!


sue_dreams December 8 2009, 16:57:29 UTC
I think going it completely alone would not be the answer. Perhaps you'd strive to form shallower relationships. Friendships that themselves are more fleeting than the lives fading around you.

I do think some form of insanity is highly likely, no matter what.

Originally, in the order I wrote them, it would have been the first drabble. Perhaps I should have left it that way, so people could skip around it, or would have the funnier/lighter ones to cheer them up.


ctbn60 December 8 2009, 17:39:55 UTC
You have a lovely way of capturing moments in time that are both meaningful and expressive.

1) Lex is smart. Out of everyone in smallville he should be able to put the pieces of the puzzle together quite easily. I like the fact that he doesn't ask because clark is better though. That says a lot!

2) I love it when friends get all dorky!!!

3) I like how you work Clark watching Lex into this story while he is with the others. It's kind of how I imagined the entire show. While he was with Chloe pete or lana he still would rather have been at the castle with Lex. Nice one!

4) Aw everyone is sick!!! It's nice Clark can be there for all of them Lex too! Sweet! I liked this.

5) *sniffle* nooooo Lex is alive and well and living forever. Yup yup yup!!!

Nicely done!


sue_dreams December 8 2009, 17:56:52 UTC
Thank you. That's a very lovely compliment.

1) I agree. Lex is canonically supposed to be so smart (bad plans that go awry not withstanding) and yet he remains ignorant for so long. That would only happen willfully, I'd think, but that doesn't match up with his outward, shown desire to know.

2) My friends would totally do this, if only for the silly string. >D Which is to say that I also <3 it when friends are dorky.

3) Your personal fanon and mine match up on this, me thinks. ^__^

4) I just envision them arriving one by one (Lionel, Lucas) or in pairs (Martha and Jonathon) and being led to rooms and tucked in, and... schmoop. :D It's awesome.

5) I will not argue. ^__^ I very much like the fics where they're still together, hundreds of years old, and occasionally Lex tries to take over the world just to put the spark back in their relationship.


seagull2eagle December 8 2009, 19:58:36 UTC
But Lex doesn't ask, doesn't mention it, he won't, because Clark recovers.
Awwww.... Yes. :)

Maybe tomorrow, she'll even tell them she's better.
LOL! Yeah, I would too for silly scenes like that. Chloe is a woman after my own heart. ^^

lark pretends to watch, but his attention is focused through the screen and into the other room, where Lex is still diligently at work... playing Minesweeper.
Can I say I just absolutely love the whole gang being *at* the Mansion for their movie-watching? I think if Clark was friends with Lex, all of them would be. LOL on Lex for getting out of it with 'work'. ;D And of course Clark likes Lex-watching better. ^^

Just because he didn't get sick didn't mean Clark didn't get lonely.
A house of sick people and Lex and Clark left to take care of them! Awww... ^^

neither mentions how Lex looks forty instead of eighty-three, or how Clark looks twenty-sixRight there I started to get an "ouch" feeling about this, because if Lex was already looking forty... And then, yeah. :( Poor Clark. They had ( ... )


sue_dreams December 8 2009, 20:08:17 UTC
I <3 Chloe. :D

I like to think the same thing. I really like fics where Lex interacts (positively) with Chloe and Pete (and even Lana). My personal fanon demands it.

Well, Clark and Lex are pretty much impervious to most things (fanon?) and so it makes sense for them to be caretakers. Also, it's just a damn cute image.

This was actually the first drabble I wrote, but I moved it to the bottom and tried (with some success) to write happier pieces for the other four. I don't see either one as being immortal (not without scientific intervention, which is possible with Lex), though I think it makes sense for their lifespans to be different from that of most people.


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