New Teen Wolf Vid: Temptation - Stiles/Derek

Aug 14, 2012 13:56

Song: Temptation
Artist: Vast
Vidder: suzvoy
Format: AVI
Size: 24MB
Spoilers: Teen Wolf from 1x01 through 2x11.
Summary: Derek has things to do, things he needs to be concentrating on. He doesn't need the distraction. And Stiles is very, very distracting.
Pairings: Derek/Stiles
Warnings: Supernatural violence, torture
Notes: YAY, NEW FANDOM HAS TAKEN OVER MY BRAAAAAAAAAAAIN! \o/ \o/ \o/ So, here's where my brain is - if Derek does have feelings for Stiles, he sure as hell doesn't want them. Attraction and romance are so far down on his list of priorities - and not just because of his horrible sexual history. He has to worry about what happened to his sister, Kate, Peter, Hunters and Kanimas. Why on earth would he waste time on some annoying teenager? Only thing is, said annoying teenager keeps being helpful. And distracting. Very distracting. So he does what he's done ever since the fire - he runs.

24MB, 624x352
Pick one link to download from
Replace xx with tt, rename to .avi once downloaded



Watch the embedded video behind the cut:

Sterek - Temptation from Suz Voy on Vimeo.

Password to watch is: sourwolf


you can watch it on youtube here:

Of the two, I'd recommend the vimeo version, because youtube has SOMEHOW screwed with the editing a little during the upload. DON'T EVEN ASK ME HOW. It's a tiny, tiny difference, most of you probably wouldn't even notice but I spent hours on this thing. I CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCE, OKAY???? ;D ;D


Also posted on tumblr here.

Feedback would be adored!

Most recent vids can be found here. All vids made since I found LJ can be found here; latest ones are at the bottom.

teen wolf, vids

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