New Twilight 'Verse Vid: Hot N Cold

Mar 09, 2010 23:03

Song: Hot N Cold
Artist: Katy Perry
Format: AVI
Size: 27MB
Spoilers: Twilight and New Moon movies
Summary: He may be over 100 years old, but he still can't make up his mind.
Pairing: Bella/Edward
Warnings: Um, crackiness?
Notes: TWILIGHT! HAHAHAHAHA! So, a quick search on YouTube showed about a million Twilight vids to this song. So here's a million and one! What can I say? When a girl's inspired, nothing can hold her back :D Crack ahoy! I had SO much fun making this, I can't even tell you. hee hee hee. No idea if this should be posted anywhere else. Are there Twilight comms that appreciate Teh Crack?

I am working on a permanent download - there's always something going wrong. Bloody technology! If I didn't love you, I'd hate you!

Many thanks to my lovely smoochie, nel_ani for putting up with my latest obsession. *smoooch* Also, many thanks to my awesome flist *hugs you all*

27MB, 608x256.
Pick one link to download from
Replace xx with tt, rename to .avi once downloaded



Watch the embedded video behind the cut:

image You can watch this video on

Cracky Goodness! from Suz Voy on Vimeo.

Password: fangs17


Feedback would be simply adored. Really! :)

Most recent vids can be found here. All vids made since I found LJ can be found here; latest ones are at the bottom.

rpattz attack!, vids

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