Title: No Choice
Song: John's Walk
Composer: Jamin Winans
Format: AVI inside a ZIP file
Size: 20MB
Spoilers: Legend of the Seeker through various season one and two episodes, but nothing further than episode 204.
Summary: Kahlan knows what needs to be done.
Pairing: Kahlan/Richard
Warnings: Fight scenes, non-grisly death
Notes: MERRY CHRISTMAS, NEL!!!! I hope you like it :) You are awesome and thoroughly deserve a vid you like ;D LOVE YOU, LOVELY LEGS! <3 This vid is very episode specific to 204, so you'll get a lot more out of it if you've seen that ep, or at least have some idea of what a Confessor is. AUish. The music is one of my favourite pieces of music from one my favourite movies,
Ink. I heartily recommend it.
As with my previous vid, no idea where else I might post this, guys. Help? :)
Many, many thanks to the lovely
01100100 and
serendipityxxi for all of their advice and help! *MWA*
20MB, 624x352.
Download Here Please right-click and 'save target as'
Please don't hotlink!
Watch the video at vimeo:
http://vimeo.com/8320010 Password: besthairever
Feedback would be absolutely loved :)
Most recent vids can be found
here. All vids made since I found LJ can be found
here; latest ones are at the bottom.