The Rack!

May 14, 2012 11:08

I have been interrogated, err, interviewed on the Rack over at On Fiction Writing here! Where I talk about to agent or not, ebooks and Elmore Leonard's writing rules!

In other (belated) blogging the SuperMoon viewing was a wash out thanks to heavy cloud cover. :-( But I did get a pic the next night (still rather blurry since there was only slightly ( Read more... )

fox pic spam, interviews, supermoon, the rack

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Comments 7

wedschilde May 14 2012, 17:43:52 UTC


suzannemcleod May 15 2012, 11:30:25 UTC
We have a regular 24/7 nature watch in our garden :-D


wedschilde May 15 2012, 16:50:32 UTC
heh... how are you doing? well? wooot on the interview! heh...


suzannemcleod May 16 2012, 19:53:29 UTC
Good, thanks, hon! How's you?


ailsa_cf May 15 2012, 21:47:34 UTC
Fox cubs are so cute! Do the dogs not scare them away, or get driven loopy by the smell of them having been in the garden?
We had a nice view of the supermoon, but didn't take any photos I don't think.


suzannemcleod May 16 2012, 19:52:20 UTC
We only have the one Hound now (sadly our little one passed away two years ago :-( ), and she can't walk without help - something the foxes seem to realise :-)


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