Yay! Shiny New Cover!

Nov 05, 2011 17:06

ZOMG! Looky here at my book's gorgeous new cover! I LOVE it*!

*strokes new cover*

The Gollancz Cover Gods are A-MA-ZING! Bows down in thanks to the Cover Gods!!! :-D

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uk covers, the shifting price of prey, covers

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Comments 4

tinachristopher November 5 2011, 21:26:06 UTC
Gorgeous cover! All four of them together are absolutely stunning. It's so great that you have the same model on each cover.

But give a spoiler warning! I read the first sentence of the blurb and stopped. I haven't read Bitter Seed of Magic and didn't know that Genny becomes the boss. I won't read the rest until January when book 3 is out over here:)



suzannemcleod November 5 2011, 21:37:43 UTC
Eek! Sorry, Tina. I got a bit excited there, but you're quite right. I've removed anything that could be spoiler'ish. *headdesk*

And thanks, great you like the covers :-D


la_marquise_de_ November 5 2011, 22:43:39 UTC
Wow. Stunning.


suzannemcleod November 6 2011, 20:07:37 UTC
Thank you! :-D


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