Title: Lessons
Character Pairing: Michael Corner and Daphne Greengrass
Prompt: Set Thirteen: ii. ricochet
Rating: T for strong language and sexual situations in future ficlets
Word Count: 405 words.
Summary: 13 ficlets, in which Michael Corner learns you can't judge a book by its cover and Daphne Greengrass learns to trust.
Author's Notes: T for strong language and for non-explicit sexual situations in later chapters. If there are any readers familiar with my Daphne Greengrass and the 6th Year From Hell and . . . 7th Year From Hell series, this is a slightly different take on Michael and Daphne's relationship. It's more, how do you say . . . canon-compliant. But I think their personalities are similar to what I've written in that story. This is basically so I don't have to set up Daphne as the only Slytherin to join the DA.
Link to Prompt Table:
Table ii. ricochet
“Move over!”
Michael Corner pulls up his book bag, as Daphne Greengrass - quite inelegantly and rather impolitely - shoves her way past his left shoulder and into Vector’s classroom for their first day of Advanced Arithmancy, N.E.W.T.-level.
He wonders exactly why he was so drawn to her during the Sorting Feast.
“Y’ don’t have to be so rude about it,” Michael mutters and glares at her.
She turns back around and fixes a steely gaze at him. “You were in my way! So sorry that I hurt your precious feelings.” She smirks and flips her head around, swinging her dark hair right in his face and she saunters into the classroom.
“What in the world-” Michael gestures angrily at Daphne but turns to Anthony Goldstein. “Tony, what the hell did I say to justify that?”
“Mike, she’s a Slytherin.” Anthony just shakes his head and starts walking into the classroom. “They’re born with that sparkling personality.” He shakes his head
“Not to mention the Dark Mark,” Michael snorts. “Stupid, evil prats!”
Anthony is just about to agree, when Daphne bumps her hip right smack into a corner of a desk. Very Hard.
“Ow! Sonofab-”
Michael chuckles as she rubs her hip. She turns around and narrows her eyes at him.
“So sorry . . . did I hurt your precious feelings.” He returns her smirk from earlier. She simply stares at him like she’s throwing daggers with her eyes.
She rubs her now-sore hip and is about to say something . . . but she huffs instead, unable to come back with a snappy retort.
Michael cannot resist getting the last word in. He never can.
“What’s the matter? Snake got your tongue?” And simply because his mouth acts quicker than his brain, he finishes with a lopsided grin, “I know I’ve got that effect on girls.”
He can barely believe the words have rolled off of his tongue because it sounds rather like he’s flirting with the girl.
Anthony just gapes at him like a goldfish. Apparently, he too thinks Michael is flirting with the rather sullen Slytherin.
Daphne just stares at him. To his surprise, her cheeks are coloring, very slowly. And he ignores the small jolts shooting back and forth in his guts as he continues looking at her, or this weird, somewhat shaky feeling that he’s getting by staring directly into her eyes.