I've not had to use the word "hermaphrodite" as anything but an adjective in French before. Consequently, I'd never thought to look up the word's gender.
For people born with both male and female sexual organs, French recognises the following alternative terms to "hermaphrodite":
Personnes intersexuées (intersexed persons. This is feminine because "personne" is feminine.) Intersexes Intergenre Intersexué-e-s (to get around the linguistic gender)
"Hermaphrodisme" is also known as "intersexualité", "intersexuation" and "ambiguïté sexuelle". Orfeo, a French association for intersex people, distinguishes intersexuality from transexuality while noting that intersex people may become transexual: the relevant term that they use, to get around linguistic gender, is "un.e transexuel.le".
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Personnes intersexuées (intersexed persons. This is feminine because "personne" is feminine.)
Intersexué-e-s (to get around the linguistic gender)
"Hermaphrodisme" is also known as "intersexualité", "intersexuation" and "ambiguïté sexuelle". Orfeo, a French association for intersex people, distinguishes intersexuality from transexuality while noting that intersex people may become transexual: the relevant term that they use, to get around linguistic gender, is "un.e transexuel.le".
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