Yuletide roundup! Eagle of the Ninth, Frontier Wolf, and Sword at Sunset

Dec 25, 2011 23:35

This year in the annual Yuletide small/rare/obscure fandom exchange there are a decent handful of Sutcliff-based stories!

Eagle of the Ninth

Only the movie version was nominated, but some of the stories are strictly bookverse. Others are fusions. Unfortunately, they are all tagged with the movie tag, so it's a little confusing. I have not read all of these, so I'm not totally sure which ones are movieverse/bookverse/fusion, but I've made educated guesses.

exiit ad caelum - Marcus/Cottia/Esca, T (teen), 4,229 words - bookverse

Nescio, sed Excrucior - gen or pre-slash, G (general), 3,127 words - fusion, mostly movie

Hearth - Esca/Marcus, G (general), 2,690 words - fusion, mostly movie

A Clear View of the Sea - Esca/Cottia/Marcus, E (explicit), 17,284 words - fusion

Whole subset (including 3 solely movieverse stories) here.

Frontier Wolf

On the Mend - Alexios/Hilarion, G (general), 1,050 words

He Who Waits - Alexios/Hilarion, E (explicit, although on the lighter side of explicit), 6,821 words

After Darkness, Light - Alexios/Hilarion, T (teen), 3,510 words

The Young Wolf - gen, T (teen), 1,797 words

Sword at Sunset

Guenhumara - gen, not rated (I'd say it's a solid G), 1,434 words
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