Stratovarius concert

May 18, 2009 10:10

hi folks! yesterday i went to the Stratovarius concert! it was held at place called the Cat House and it was the tiniest place ever lol! i had to dash right after work to get their on time lol and for dinner i had a small sandwich  anyways this time i didn't get squashed (somehow i wanted to) it was pretty Mellow lol! my hearing's all mellow too!

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stratovarious, concert, photo, life

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Comments 9

lizard_little May 18 2009, 09:44:03 UTC
Thank you for sharing the pics! :D I actually looked up Stratovarious on the interwebs after you mentioned them, I'll listen to those songs you linked to! ;)

You wanted to get squashed?? xD


susperia1 May 18 2009, 09:52:39 UTC
hahah you're welcome!! hah yeah they are the main songs so when the conert was almost finished i was thinking they weren't going to sing them but of course they leave the best til last!! XD
hahah lol all part of the fun (not really)!! XD no bruises this time either!!


lizard_little May 18 2009, 22:07:00 UTC
I'm glad you got to hear your fave songs live! :D

...But somehow I think I ended up with one of your bruises on my leg instead! \0/


susperia1 May 18 2009, 22:28:49 UTC
i know that way i wouldn't have to go to the sulking corner!
oooo you got a bruise on the leg too, i've got one still from that day in the park, i wish i didn't hit that bench! :)


tangoineden May 18 2009, 15:20:41 UTC
I know I've heard them but I'm not that familiar with Stratovarius. I'm glad you had a good time! :D Even if it was mellow lol

I imagine going to a concert with you would be alot of fun XD


susperia1 May 18 2009, 22:27:35 UTC
lol cute icon!!!! :)
yeah maybe you've heard their names here and their then, they're good!! my hearings all fixed now too!
hhaha thanks!! i'm sure it would be lots of fun and i can imagine Japan having plenty of cool ones i have to go to a concert there one day!!! lol!! ^^ you'll have to show me around then 8D


tangoineden May 19 2009, 03:11:18 UTC
Lol, thank you :D

Yeah, I think Japan has many good concerts 8D I will show you around too ^.^


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susperia1 May 19 2009, 11:16:05 UTC
hahahah yeah aren't we all secretly lol!! XD
i wonder who came up with the name!! ^^

glad you like them, they're cool!! i love Eagle heart too, ooo Hunting high and low they played that too haha i think maybe they've crept into everybodies lives lol, they played a lot of good songs there and i was singing (badly) along with them lol!!
thanks!!! XD


oooo anonymous May 21 2009, 14:00:30 UTC
awesome photos :P
awesome band, any more pics at all :P


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