MFK Poll: There Will Be No Country for Old Polls: Villains

Oct 02, 2008 09:52

Anton Chigurh, as played by Javier Bardem

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Comments 5

monkey1976 October 2 2008, 14:27:24 UTC
love this poll!

anton is SO scary. no way i'd fuck or marry that fellow.


sushis October 2 2008, 15:00:39 UTC
Glad you like the poll! :-)

I agree on Anton. He's scary, and not in a way that's also sexy to me.

But, I think I've heard other people say they find him hot. And, I love the diversity of harmless perversions.


monkey1976 October 2 2008, 15:58:38 UTC
yeah, i love scary hot normally. like christian bale in american psycho. but anton is TOO SCARY. gah. that movie scared the bejesus out of me.


irishgalinabq October 2 2008, 23:08:26 UTC
UGH! I abstain from this vote as "There will be blood" made my eyes bleed and made me squirm in boredom.

"No country for old men" though-hellz yeah! It had the awesome.


sushis October 3 2008, 13:13:18 UTC
I preferred "There Will Be Blood," actually, and got sleepy during "No Country for Old Men," but, I wouldn't do polls at all if I wanted everyone to always feel the same about everything :-)

You could do a make-up mfk poll, if you want: Here they all are!


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