"If it's not love, then it's the bomb..."

Mar 15, 2008 15:11

(I apologize for my ignorance if the time periods given don't correspond with utmost accuracy to discrete Morrissey personae.)

Edit: You can choose only one Moz for each activity! You must marry one, fuck one, and kill one, lol! Or else you're a cheater. And...and...none of the Morrissae will fuck you at all if you cheat!

Poll MFK: Morrissey

mfk poll, morrissey, mfk, not a book

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sushis February 15 2008, 20:31:31 UTC
It's funny--I picked the same answers as you!

I find current Morrissey the most physically attractive, because he's more manly/ less boyish-looking than younger Morrissey, so I chose to fuck him, but I chose to marry the youngest Moz, because that's the one era where I truly loved what he created ("You don't understand! Morrissey's music *speaks* to me!") and also, I can imagine wanting to continue our doomed relationship for years on end, because the combination of celibacy and possible-gayness would keep me interested in the long term. Oh, also, I think he'd probably be the least hyper-critical and *unpleasant* of the three Mozzes, as I think you're suggesting, too...Which leaves poor '90's Moz to die (by my side...)


easilyled February 15 2008, 21:38:32 UTC
This is DEMONIC. But...

Marry: 80s Moz. He was still sweet. Psychotic, but sweet. Although I agree with with FOP said about marrying Moz at any age. However, that's not how you play this game...

Fuck: 90s Moz. Most aesthetically pleasing.

Kill: Current Moz!!! But, it fills me with (Oedipal?) dread just to think of it...


imps85 February 16 2008, 14:14:32 UTC
I have Marry this day Moz
fuck smiths time Moz
and kill 90s moz :P


celibatedi February 16 2008, 22:43:37 UTC
I'm taking this too seriously! I can't choose!


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