1) Do you like to drive?
No, not really. I appreciate having the option but it's an easy way to get from here to there. I'm not that interested in the journey.
2) Do you own (or have regular use of) a car? What kind is it?
I have the most adorable matte lime-ish green 2013 Smart Car. I bought it new. I was going to upgrade to a new one in 2016 but then they changed the design and made it bigger and NFW. So I will drive this one until it dies which I hope is never. The only time I don't love it is when I have two people visiting from out of town and need to squire them around. It's a PIA to rent another car but an even bigger PIA to find some place to stash mine when I do.
3) What is your favorite optional feature on a car?
It's shortness. I can easily park anywhere. Plus it's just freakin' cute. I get smiles from pedestrians and drivers alike all the time.
4) How much does gasoline currently cost where you live?
I have no idea. I've only bought gas a couple of times in the last year and it's never more than $30 bucks to fill the tank (but the tank is never empty). Generally, though, gas here in Seattle, WA is more expensive than the rest of the country and a freakin' bargain to most people who visit from outside the country.
5) What is the longest car trip you have taken?
Probably a trip in the mid-80's from Rochester, MN to Central City, CO.