Title: Adventures
kitokyFandom: Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (movie); The Last Battle
Characters/Pairings: Susan, OC; implied Susan/Caspian
Ratings: K+
Summary: Years after the train wreck, she thinks she's nearly forgotten about the adventures of her childhood.
Author's Note: Written for
casue100; prompt set 50/50, #47 rain (will be posted
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Comments 7
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The question is, is it Rillian? Or is it a thisworldform!Rillian?
(Oh, dear. You are quite right. London is a city. LOL. This being written at 2 am and I desperately wanted to get it down because I was dreadfully tired and didn't want to lose the thoughts in my head. No excuse however, LONDON IS A CITY. And my guess at what I meant is as good as your's... so I shall take your suggestion. ;D Thank you, sedri!)
Wonderful all around--the image of Susan standing in the rain, with her groceries, is so lovely; sadness mixed with hope--and Rillian! Or what I assume to be Rillian. The hint about his eyes could just as easily point in another direction, although of course I'd love to think that he's found his way into this strange place, full of things he's never seen before. Even when he's lost, he's still terribly strong, and when he scolds her, Susan's response is so beautifully mature and accepting.
What We Need To Know: Is it Narnia!Rillian? Do they find the snake? WILL CASPIAN AND SUSAN MEET AND HAVE A SUITABLY AWKWARD 'O HI THAR, IS THIS YOUR CHILD?' DISCUSSION? I think these are Very Important Questions that need to be answered, ASAP.
ROFL. The suitably awkward discussion. That would be something. We shall see if any inspiration strikes me, but I will think on it. I didn't plan on continuing this as it's a surprise it's got this far.
Thank you for the kind words, muselives! Always appreciated! :)
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