Title - Of Hearts Unknown - CHAPTER SEVEN: Darkness Rising
Author - Kitoky
Fandom - Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (Movie Verse)
Characters/Pairings - All; Susan/Caspian
Rating - Chapter rating: T, Overall: M
Status - Not Complete
Summary - An old foe in a new form.
WARNING - This is basically an alternative story to Prince Caspian. It's movie!based
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Comments 6
But other than that, it's amazing as always! I keep dying for the next part!!! :D
as far as the ending of the chapter goes... geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez. and of course it's going to take you longer to have the next chapter done, it's just our karma. thanks for that cliffhanger of death, hun. *clings onto kit's leg and begs for next chapter*
and good luck with the new semester! ^-^
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