(no subject)

Jun 10, 2010 10:26

For the past two years at UBC, I have busted my fucking ass at school, making goddamn sure that I am taking all the courses required for my degree, and have been passing everything (just barely at times, but 51% is a pass). It may have taken me an extra year to do, but in April, I finished third year, and next year, my last year at school, I should be in fourth year. It's pretty simple, yet UBC has once again fucked me over! Even though I have passed all my courses and have completed all the courses required to be promoted to fourth year, UBC is saying that I am "eligible for Winter Session 2010-2011 BSC Year 3 Major Microbiology and Immunology".


So because I have not been promoted, this means that I have to register two weeks later than I should be, and probably won't get the courses/sections that I want, and probably will miss out on ~special~ fourth year things.


I sent Dr. Ramey an email. Hopefully he can fix this...

Why is everything such a fucking goddamn struggle?! I make sure I play by the fucking rules and do everything required of me, yet I am never given a fucking break! I swear, the universe is trying to prevent me from graduating.

Addendum, 11am: So Dr, Ramey emailed me back and told me to call the Science Information Office. I did, and the woman said that even though students' information about their year eligibility and registration date was released to students today, they are still reviewing records and the information is not complete, and that they will be working on it over the next week, thus my year eligibility and registration date could change (if it doesn't, there is a fucking problem, because even Dr. Ramey said that I should be promoted to fourth year).

WTF?! If you're not done reviewing everything, do not release the information! I said that many students must be panicking and having a heart attack over supposedly not being promoted, and she said that many other students have been calling as well. Great job UBC! Yes, we're all anxious to know our registration dates and whether or not we've been promoted, but I'd rather wait a few extra days and get the correct information, than receive the incorrect information, which is upsetting, and freak out. UBC needs to get their fucking act together. This is not cool.

Addendum, 12:40pm: I just received the following email from UBC:

You may have noticed a change in your eligibility and/or year-level status on the SSC recently. The current data reflect step one of a two-step review and update process. There was a technical problem with the Enrolment Services central updating and some of the data will therefore not yet be accurate. So don't panic if you were not promoted or if your status does not agree in some other way with what you thought it should be. All the team in the Science Information Centre are working to update the data with the hopes of finishing the job by the end of the work week (Monday at the latest).
Please do not visit the Centre or phone. We are not answering the phone or seeing students until we complete this essential task and get you the information you need in an accurate form.

Oh, now they tell us! Well, too fucking late! Everyone's already been panicking, because their education and future are on the line! I hate UBC. I suspect that I will be using the "fuck you ubc" tag quite a bit in the upcoming school year.

*, fuck you ubc, rant (2), school (2)

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