Never Go to Blenz Coffee

Jul 29, 2004 23:52

Tonight I had a distressing evening.

After work, I went to Fitness World on Broadway and Arbutus, and took the bus up Broadway to get to the skytrain station to get home. When I arrived at the skytrain station, I had to piss. Not so badly that I would piss my pants that second, but badly enough that I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold it in for 45 minutes, the minimum amount of time it would take me to get home.

So I decided to go to the bathroom at the A&W across the street- they had once let me use the bathroom. They said that it was out of order. I'm not sure if that was the truth or if they were bullshitting. So I went to Shopper's Drugmart next door. The woman wasn't outright bitchy, but she clearly wasn't impressed with me asking. (At least the Shopper's near my work has a bathroom- it really saved me when I had mild diarrhea!)

At this point, I was getting pretty desperate, and was close to tears. Any female will understand. No, I'm not pregnant, and it wasn't because I had blood gushing out and needed to shove a tampon up my cunt (although I do have my period now, and need to piss more frequently and intensely when I have it, and it could be part of the reason why I was so worked up over this), but when you gotta go, you gotta go. I just don't have the option of pissing behind a tree.

So I rushed over to Blenz, and the guy was such an asshole! The little scrawny shit was no older than 22, and was rude from the beginning. I politely, but urgently, ask if I could use the bathroom. He says "NO. Customers only." Close to tears, I plead "I really have to go...please." "NO. You have to buy something." "Fine. Can I use the bathroom?" "Someone's in there." Yeah right. "Fine, I'll get a coffee, but I need to use the bathroom first." "NO. You have to buy it FIRST." I said, not rudely, just very annoyed "Forget it," and turn to walk away, and the little asshole yells "Well, don't bother coming back!" Why would I?

Oooh, big tough showed me. You had the last word. I was so upset that I didn't say anything back. Even if I was a 'customer' and was going to buy something (I wasn't sure if I was or not yet- all I could think of was pissing), I like to piss first. Several times I have gone to a coffee shop, pissed first, then ordered something.

1. I don't like to bring food and drink into a bathroom.
2. I like to be comfortable when ordering my items and sitting down to enjoy my coffee/snack. I don't want to rush and be anxious because my bladder is going to burst.

At this point, I am so upset at all the mean assholes, and absolutely desperate to go. I run across the street (actually, across two streets) to Starbucks. I must have looked like a freak. No one was in line for the bathroom, and it said vacant, so I tried to open the door, but the handle was stuck, so I panicked, thinking that I needed a key, so I asked (trying not to cry) if I could use the bathroom. They said no problem, that it was unlocked. I felt like an idiot.

Relief. Since I was shaking so badly from all this stress, I decided that I do need a coffee (Starbucks is better than Blenz anyway), and put all my change (only 34 cents though) in the tip jar. I explained my behaviour to the cashier.

It may not seem like much, but the whole thing was so upsetting. People are so mean! OK, it wasn't the best neighbourhood- Broadway and Commercial, but I don't look like a cracked-out druggie looking to shoot up (even the Starbucks cashier said that I look normal). I didn't look my best because I had just gone to the gym, so instead of having neatly brushed long hair, my freshly washed hair was in a ponytail, not the most flattering look. But I didn't look like complete crap.

My stomach is still a bit upset from all this turmoil. As I mentioned, maybe I am a little more sensitive and emotional due to my period, but still.

Moral of this story, never go to Blenz. They are mean.


I forgot to mention that I was in Starbucks for about 1/2 hour or so, and left at 9:40pm. As I was waiting for my bus (I decided to bus up to Boundary to meet my husband at work), I noticed some police and police cars, and police tape around the bus stop across the street, right in front of Blenz. I was hoping that the asshole Blenz guy was murdered. That would teach him not to be mean to nice people. There was a small article in the paper this morning, which said that someone was stabbed around 9pm, the time that I was in Starbucks.

urination, rant, things i hate

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