something tells me that she's going to have to be doing a whole lot of things she'd never planned for this job.
what a conscientious young man, staying up late to ensure his sister's safety and up so early to sell papers! one would think that if she could read his energy-- he could surely read hers.
i'm amused, this is like the mouse playing the cat to catch the cat. it doesn't seem fair to the mouse. one wonders what enishi's real agenda was when he hired her.
yupp, Kenshin isn't going to make it easy for her :P but he never does, does he? ;D
and if Kenshin feels "his" energy level I'm sure he made the logical conclusion that "he" must be tired from waiting for "his" sister and getting up early again the nest day :P if that's what you meant, I mean. lol.
anyway, yeah, that's a good comparison! haha the mouse chasing the cat. I liked that one ;D it suits this story :) thanks for the comment! hope you'll like the rest as I post it! ^^
energy--i meant magic. i'm so used to the inuyasha fandom with their magics (reiki- purifying energy, and youki- youkai energy) that i'm crossing them.
oh! haha silly me! 8D anyway, yes, Kenshin can recognise her magic but since she keeps it riled up he can't get a good sense of it unless they're touching. and since he thinks she's two people who are siblings, the similarity he feels doesn't make him too suspicious. yet ;)
just reading this again on ffn (since you're really behind posting there...
ah-- i think it would be funny if we found out that this whole thing is a set up that was cooked up by tomoe using enishi and sano to fix kenshin up with someone so she could go off and be with someone else. like k&t are just good friends who have this crazy pact to live together (separate rooms because they're not 'that' kind of friends) as engaged and if neither find someone in ten years, they'll go ahead with the marriage. tomoe found akira and doesn't want kenshin to be without someone when they split up, enlists sano's suggestion of kaoru (she would keep him occupied/interested and sano feels she needs someone to keep her safe and out of trouble). tomoe gets enishi to hire kaoru to tail kenshin to get them together. =p
LOLZ --just guessing. i'm going to finish reading it here, again. you should post it to dA and to the community/groups there-- i'm sure you'll get plenty of readers on dA and i think it's easier to post there than ffn.
Comments 9
missing you too dear! Sorry I havent been around much.
no, but really XD hahaa that was priceless XD LOL. missing you~ <3 and don't worry, I've done my share of not being around much! XD
just dont think im not booing you mentally.. cause i am... loudly....
should i start chanting " we want elemental"?
don't worry though! I'll get around to writing Elemental soon! :) I just felt that I wanted to celebrate the SWAK rec thing with an update~ ^-^
what a conscientious young man, staying up late to ensure his sister's safety and up so early to sell papers! one would think that if she could read his energy-- he could surely read hers.
i'm amused, this is like the mouse playing the cat to catch the cat. it doesn't seem fair to the mouse. one wonders what enishi's real agenda was when he hired her.
and if Kenshin feels "his" energy level I'm sure he made the logical conclusion that "he" must be tired from waiting for "his" sister and getting up early again the nest day :P if that's what you meant, I mean. lol.
anyway, yeah, that's a good comparison! haha the mouse chasing the cat. I liked that one ;D it suits this story :) thanks for the comment! hope you'll like the rest as I post it! ^^
ah-- i think it would be funny if we found out that this whole thing is a set up that was cooked up by tomoe using enishi and sano to fix kenshin up with someone so she could go off and be with someone else. like k&t are just good friends who have this crazy pact to live together (separate rooms because they're not 'that' kind of friends) as engaged and if neither find someone in ten years, they'll go ahead with the marriage. tomoe found akira and doesn't want kenshin to be without someone when they split up, enlists sano's suggestion of kaoru (she would keep him occupied/interested and sano feels she needs someone to keep her safe and out of trouble). tomoe gets enishi to hire kaoru to tail kenshin to get them together. =p
LOLZ --just guessing. i'm going to finish reading it here, again. you should post it to dA and to the community/groups there-- i'm sure you'll get plenty of readers on dA and i think it's easier to post there than ffn.
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