У Непомнящего вроде не Спрайт, а Липтон-Грин-Ти в руках.
Давид Ионович был великим шахматистом... грустно. Вы правы, когда упоминаете его и Корчного среди тех, кто больше других заслуживал стать Чемпионом Мира. Наверное еще Пауля Петровича Кереса наряду с ними можно назвать.
Books on Bronstein
December 11 2006, 05:57:54 UTC
My name is Yakov Zusmanovich from California. It is a huge loss to all chess lovers. He was one of the best as player and as a human being. I am happy to have all 12 biographical books on David Bronstein starting with that one written by then 17 years old Larry Evans. The other books are written by Bagnoli, Toran, Marovic, Suetin, Furstenberg, Voronkov, Weinstein, Neat and David Bronstin self.
Comments 31
Давид Ионович был великим шахматистом... грустно. Вы правы, когда упоминаете его и Корчного среди тех, кто больше других заслуживал стать Чемпионом Мира. Наверное еще Пауля Петровича Кереса наряду с ними можно назвать.
Babelfish is not serving me at the moment. Can someone verify this news, in English?
In any case, Bronstein's games and books are as vital and energetic as ever.
Much thanks.
Sincerely, - Malthrope
Berkeley, CA / USA)
PS: This just posted (David Bronstein) by me on ChessNinja:
My name is Yakov Zusmanovich from California.
It is a huge loss to all chess lovers. He was one of the best as player and as a human being. I am happy to have all 12 biographical books on David Bronstein starting with that one written by then 17 years old Larry Evans. The other books are written by Bagnoli, Toran, Marovic, Suetin, Furstenberg, Voronkov, Weinstein, Neat and David Bronstin self.
. for attention thank you
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