RP LOG with learninghearts | Trouble in paradise

Sep 24, 2010 17:38

[Follows THIS]

All Dave could do in the wake of biting Drew’s head off was put it down to tiredness. He had a lot on his mind lately, but it was no excuse to bitch the poor guy out. In fact, Dave nearly turned around and went back to apologise, but he got distracted when Aimee had burst out of the exit of the main hospital and caught up with him to happily inform him she managed to finish work sooner than she thought. When she asked him if he wanted to come back to her place to chill out, he couldn’t say no, even if all he really did want to do was go home bed. He could still go to her bed, right? He was pretty sure he could sleep soundly in a cardboard box right now.

Of course he was happy to see her, and it diluted his bad mood a little. He couldn’t really write it off to anything beyond just having a bad time of things. Lately he was stressed and exhausted, wearing himself thin with work hours and stepping in as Chris’ medical proxy when he went into a coma after the botched kidney transplant surgery. That was before he even took into account the increasing doubt he had that he had what it took to work in Chris’ place on Alpha. No matter how hard he tried, he just could not seem to get the stamina the team was refuted for. He went home feeling like a zombie, long shifts left him drained. He just didn’t feel like he was cut out for it, only he couldn’t back out now and leave Proctor high and dry. Chris was out indefinitely for the moment, Eva wanted to leave when she was able to, and although Serena was on leave, she would be back soon. They had been functioning with temps, Dave being one of them, and he really didn’t want to create any messes for Proctor when everyone was already so stressed.

Then there were the sexual issues, that were bothering him way more than he was letting on. The more it happened, the more he was starting to wonder if this was it. He could deal with the infertility thing, if that is what it came to. It wouldn’t be easy, but he could cope with it. What he wasn’t sure he could face was the fact he hadn’t even hit thirty yet and he might be impotent for the rest of his life. And he had absolutely no one he could talk to about that. He loved Aimee, he really did. But he didn’t want to discuss this with her just yet. Soon, maybe, but he needed to offload. Only, every time he tried to talk to his best mate, it was like all hell broke loose. First there was trying to tell him about the cancer, and Chris got so smashed he couldn’t remember the conversation the following morning. Then there was trying to talk to him about his relationship with Aimee, and how he was trying to deal with being a cancer survivor in a new relationship. Only, Chris had been so wired and stressed over learning Rick had cancer that Dave hadn’t been able to go through with the conversation. His issues seemed so pathetic in light of what Chris was going through. And finally, in the ICU, when Chris was okay one minute and not the next, Dave had been trying to pluck up the courage to ask Chris his opinion on the impotency when Chris started to bleed out and lost consciousness because of it. Dave just couldn’t do it anymore. He couldn’t.

Needless to say, he was carrying around extra emotional baggage with him, and coupled with the fact of how worried he was about Chris, trying to maintain the energy for a stressful job like MT1 was starting to feel more and more impossible as the days went by. Dave could hardly even face Rick, and he had no reason for that. Chris had wanted Dave to talk to Rick about his own cancer experiences, but understandably, Rick hadn’t really wanted to hear it. Who wanted to hear about someone else’s bad times when you were trying to stay optimistic yourself? He offered his support, but he couldn’t do any more than that. He was there if they needed him, but they really didn’t seem to and once Chris was okay to call his own medical shots again, Dave started to pull back more and more. The brothers needed to connect again, and Dave didn’t want to get in the way of that. The visits became fewer and farer between until now, the last time he had visited Chris had been four days ago, and Chris had been sleeping with Serena at his side anyway.

Now he was in Aimee’s bed with her. Naked. The naked hadn’t been planned, but after taking a shower together, it just seemed pointless to put clothes on to go to bed. Aimee probably wasn’t in need of sleep as much as Dave was. In fact, she admitted that. She wanted to stay with him until he fell asleep, though, and because they had hardly seen each other over the past few days with conflicting work schedules, Dave couldn’t help being all over her despite his questionable mood when he left work. They were tangled up in the sheets, making out and getting hotter by the second. He even had some success in the downstairs region this time. It was hit and miss lately. Luckily this time was a hit. Sex would probably help him sleep better anyway. “Lemme get a rubber,” he murmured breathlessly against her lips as the kiss broke. He was lying on top of her and she had her leg wrapped deliciously around his hip with her foot rubbing against the back of his thigh.

Aimee smiled up at him with a nod and sighed contentedly as she brushed her hands over his toned back down to his ass. It felt like a long time since they indulged in a glorious make out session between the sheets. Work usually got in the way, and then there was the stress with the Deleo brothers, and Dave not being able to ‘come to the party’ every time when they tried to get it on. He said he was okay about it. Frustrated, but okay. Aimee knew better, though. She knew him well enough by now to know it was upsetting him, she just had no idea what she could do to help him. Probably nothing. This was something he needed to find his own way to cope with. She kissed his arm as he reached over to get a condom out of her top drawer, but she took it from him with a grin. “I’ll put it on,” she insisted, tearing the wrapper open with her teeth and flicking it off the side of the bed. She could clean up later.

Dave had always been one of those guys who found it totally hot when a girl wanted to do the honours. Any excuse to have her hands on his assets, right? In fact, he remembered a conversation with Chris in college in their dorm where they had a whole discussion about this very event. By the time they were finished, one could assume they had just discussed the importance of world peace or something. It was like gospel. Aimee had amazing hands, too, and he was just indulging in that fact when she decided teasing him a little by squeezing his balls was a good idea.

Only not.

Bad, bad idea. The pain that shot through Dave’s lower body with the touch was almost excruciating and he reflexively pulled back to kneel between her legs. He really didn’t want to alert her to the fact he was in pain. She hadn’t squeezed that hard, had she? It wasn’t in her nature. Yet his balls and groin suddenly felt like they were on fire, and inevitably, his erection was completely gone. “Fuck,” he swore through a gasp, pressing a hand to his lower stomach. “I... can’t do this, Aimee. I can’t. I’m going home.” In fact, he wasn’t entirely she he wasn’t going to vomit from the intensity of the pain, and even broke out into a sweat from it. But he was still moving away from her to get to the edge of the bed to find his clothes. Today, he really just didn’t want to face this whole thing all over again. It was starting to feel beyond a joke.

“Dave, baby,” Aimee said helplessly. She was watching him closely, and was really trying to not let it bother her that the fact her teasing touch had been what slammed the brakes on again. “Stay, please. You can stay. Get some sleep. It’s okay. You know I’m okay with this.” She was sitting up now, watching him in bewilderment as he moved away from her. It definitely wasn’t lost on her that the past couple of weeks he had been distracted and distant. It couldn’t be entirely put down to work or the situation with Chris. It couldn’t. But what else? It had to be her? What if all this really was Dave just coming to lose interest in her? “Dave...”

Dave shook his head. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I just really want to go home and be alone. I’m so tired. All this is only gonna get us both upset if we try and push it.” He pulled on his pants stiffly, still covering that anything was wrong. He pain was ebbing just a little, but he was nauseous. If he was going to have a freak out about any of this, he just wanted to be on his own. “I’ll call you, okay? Once I get some sleep and I’m not in such a crappy mood,” he promised and dragged on his scrubs shirt again. He came back to the side of the bed and leant over to give her a soft kiss. “I love you.”

Aimee had the sheets clutched up around her chest, but she nodded, trying not to burst into tears of frustration that he was pulling away. “Okay,” she agreed quietly and kissed him back. She rubbed her hand over his arm and then reached up to brush her fingers through his hair. “I love you. If you need anything, you let me know, okay? I can come right on over. You look... off colour. Just... promise me if you need anything, you’ll call me.”

“Promise, one hundred percent,” Dave replied, feeling immediately guilty for making a promise he wasn’t sure he could - or wanted to - keep at the moment. Off colour was about right. Only, he had been feeling off everything for days now. Maybe it was a post-remission depression setting in. He had heard about that. All he knew was that right then, he wanted to crawl into his own bed and just ignore the rest of the world for a few hours. He would worry about everything else when he got up later.

If he got up later, that was.

Word Count | 1,870

[ship] dave/aimee, [with] learninghearts, [rp] learninghearts, [co-written] learninghearts

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