Everyone gets tired of working day in and day out. But at times there are things your employer does that make you so proud to be a part of the organization and this is one that makes me proud of mine
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No kidding!! Our company was on it immediately. It's amazing. They have a HUGE fund raising campaign going on in our company and are matching donations. They set up toll free numbers for our employees to call so we know they are ok. We are working with the emergency teams in deploying devices. My last few days at work have been OUT OF CONTROL in getting devices out for emergency situations and handling esclated issues from my clients. The majority of which I deal with are Oil Companies, Construction Companies and a major airline. Which was cool, the Telecom Mgr for the major airline called me to let me know they had a small shuttle plane they were going to be able to get into the Gulf of Mississippi. She said they were clearing and building a runway as we speak, they had two seats and wanted to know if we had any tech personnel that needed to get in to assess the damage to our towers. I called our tech guy that I work with and they got one of our emergency relief workers on the plane to go assess damage and get an idea of
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That rocks! It's just the oppisite at my work, I work for a university as a admision advisor and a student called in that is 3wks from completing her last class, but has lost everything she had but her clothes on her back. She called in and asked if she could drop without failing her class and paying the remaining balance. Since she wasn't my student I had to find who she belonged to, then I found outher adviosr no longer works here. so I spent a good hour searching and calling around trying to find help for this women, finally I gave up ad said fuck it, and I called the head boss of acedemics and said basically your entire dept could not help me or wouldn't, what are you going to do to help her? He said he will handle it. So about 10min later I got called into my bosses office and he was angry with me. He says
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