up hurr in mass visiting my fam. i moved to gearogia but it should only be temporary so i hope to be back in fl soon...yea bianca was my crush...peace up atown down the southern smokerz are cummin up
Wow babes!!! people must love you ... they sure as hell like to argue over you .... and if anybody has anything to say about Jodi she can fight for herself ... but she has a wonderful baby on the way and i'm not going to let any of you bitches fuck that up for her .... so plan on getting through me .... BIANCA!!!!!!! sorry Joey not trying to cause drama in your livejournal and this is the last thing i'll say to any of them ilove you joey take wonderful care of yourself ..... MY SWEET SIXTEEN IS IN 9 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
really!? i have sort of a crush on you too. but i never said anything because i didnt want to get my feelings hurt. i wished you lived over here so we can hang out.
ok bianca, the only reason why i said that was because he told me that on the phone. sorry i was a bitch for no apparent reason. i guess joey likes starting shit but hey look yall have a crush on eachother cool.
joey you are always going to be a liar. i will NEVER waste my time talking to you EVER again. LOSER.
well i was just as much of a bitch. i dont like getting all mad at you for no reason so im sorry for being a cunt. and if you need any help for anything im there.
Comments 16
but i comment in here to joey
not jodi
i have sort of a crush on you too. but i never said anything because i didnt want to get my feelings hurt. i wished you lived over here so we can hang out.
joey you are always going to be a liar. i will NEVER waste my time talking to you EVER again. LOSER.
Im going to call you hopefully this weekend.
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