Title: Happy Ending
Pairing: Rob and Kristen, Who else? :)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing, except my attempt at writing this angsty oneshots.
Summary: This is inspired by Mika's "Happy Ending" which is an AHMAZING song. So these lines from the chorus perfectly explains what this story is about.
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
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Comments 31
Anyway I'm so glad you liked it! =)
You have killed me. Killed me, killed me, killed me. I am SO MANY SHADES OF DEAD right now.
I honestly think this may be the best piece you've written so far and I'm just beside myself because I ADORE IT but also am kind of wanting to kick it for not giving them their happy ending!!! *pouts*
There are so many freaking brilliant and gorgeous lines in this, I don't even know where to start. But just be forewarned, we may be here for awhile:
Eventually, the high of living another’s life would wear off, the excitement would dim, and the sense of escape would die, leaving him with the blunt fact that he, in fact, had not gone anywhere.
GAH. I can so clearly see this as being exactly how Rob feels after diving head first into a role only to discover that once time has passed and the glow has worn away, he's left feeling a bit empty in the same old life he started out with. Amazing!
Hiding meant layering, ( ... )
You rock my world. =) Thank you so much again.
And hey, if I rock your world I say it is only fair, 'cause you've been rocking mine even longer. :-)
so when can I read the next part of your AHMAZING robsten fic?!?! IM DYING.
When they met only three weeks ago, it was as if there was an earthquake in each of their lives. But this earthquake did not split, and fracture lives. Instead, it broke each person away from each of their lives, bringing the two of them together.
That description is perfection. Great job.
I love this quote:
"Her eyes danced across his jaw line, tracing the prominence of it, imagining how it would feel to just have the slightest feel of his unshaven beard against her lips."
jawline FTW *swoon*
It was happy yet unhappy at the same time. I would love to write more angstiness for them. I just need some inspiration...
I don't know what it is, but I can't HELP but write angst. I cannot write fluff, no matter HOW MUCH I try, it turns out to be the most cheesy and cliche thing ever. Angst is just so much fun for me to write, and thats seriously all I write if you've read my other fics. Inspiration usually comes to me at the most random times ever, and when it does I HAVE to write it down, or theres a chance I might forget it. I usually get my angsty inspiration from songs, so maybe that will help you? I'd LOVE to read angst written by you. =)
Thank you so much again for reading! =)
And I wanted to read your brilliant angstyness! =[
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