a meme, because I feel like it...

Dec 16, 2010 16:41

But at least I'll mostly put it behind a cut...

The BBC believes most people will have read only 6 of the 100 books listed here. Bold those books you've read in their entirety, italicize the ones you started but didn't finish or read an excerpt.

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memes, books

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Comments 2

kellzilla December 17 2010, 07:44:59 UTC
I really want to know who they polled that they'd only read six of these. Troglodytes? Seriously. Aside from the fact that anyone my age or older probably had to read at least five of these for middle/high school/college, they should be able to get more than one in for pleasure since there are a lot of great books on this list beyond the standard-fare school assignments.

Sadly, a lot of these books are no longer being read in middle/high school/college, so it seems like most folks younger than I am won't have read them by force, and reading seems to be becoming a less and less popular activity unless it's Best Seller List material (especially series).


Me :D phoenix_rises33 December 19 2010, 23:18:32 UTC
Hopefully this will work. Hugs!


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