Colonel Reynolds, how are you so awesome?

Aug 11, 2007 16:53

There's a Stargate SG-1 Secondary Character Carnival of Squee going on, and I just had to contribute with a picspam of one of my favorites, Colonel Reynolds.
Why do I love Colonel Reynolds so much? He’s everything a supporting character should be! He’s smart and competent, but doesn’t outshine the main characters. His team is always there to support SG-1. He has a great, dry sense of humor, and he takes all the alien wackiness in stride. His 16 episode appearances over six seasons helps you identify with the SGC on a broader scale - that it is a big operation, with many more off-world teams than just SG-1. And he’s tough, cute, and dedicated to defending Earth!

His Stargate SG-1 debut is Season 2’s “Touchstone,” where he enthusiastically guides SG1 through the Area 51/SG Research facility.

Right from the start, we can see he’s a total SG-1 fanboy. He’s just tickled pink to be giving SG-1 a tour of the Area 51 Stargate research facility, (though by their expressions in the following cap, Daniel and Jack think he’s a little odd). Note his ID tag (NID). Can’t tell what his Air Force badge is, but it’s probably Civil Engineer or Command and Control. Also, note that Reynolds is a United States Air Force officer… he’s not a Marine.

Here, for whatever reason, he is punching imaginary keys on a slider access lock, but anyway - wedding ring!

“I can't tell you what an honor it is to meet you. You guys are a bit of a legend around here.”

“Touchstone” could have been the end of this character, especially with the developing NID storyline (and pitting the NID bad guys against the SGC good guys). But TPTB resurrected him, ditched the NID affiliation, and brought him back in Season 5. In 5.3 “Ascension,” he has just been transferred from Area 51, to lead SG-16.


Note his laptop - “Col. Reynolds”. Not “Lt. Col. Reynolds.” I’ve heard it’s easier to get promotions in the Air Force than the other military branches, but 2 rank jumps in 3 years is pretty fast. The way I “handwave” it: I think he must have been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel the day after SG-1 visited Area 51 in Season 2, and then promoted to bird colonel three years later, when he got transferred to the SGC.

Aw, he’s adorkable!



Get out of the way of the glowing Ascend-a-squid, Reynolds!

We again have a (shorter) seasonal break from Reynolds, until he shows up in Season 7’s opener, “Fallen”. Guess who finds descended!Daniel? Yep, our boy, Col. Reynolds (who is wearing cammies now, instead of the solid greens, and leading SG-3).

Stick ‘em up, Daniel!

Hey Jack…

…look who we found! (bonus: smirky!Reynolds, whom I like *a lot*)

In 7.11 “Evolution, Part 1” SG-3 goes offworld w/SG-1 to get ‘em a Super Soldier of their very own! Quotable quotes:

REYNOLDS: "Not much faith in Plan A?"

O'NEILL: "Since when has Plan A ever worked?"

REYNOLDS: "Right."

So Plan A fails, and it’s guns ablazin’:

Oh noes! Reynolds gets hit by the Super Soldier’s laser thingy:

But Sam cuddles him, so he’ll totally be OK.

Next up, 7.16 “Death Knell”. Reynolds is doubtful that anyone could have survived the Alpha site self-destruct going off, but he’s game to help Jack find Sam anyway:

Looking soldier-y:

Hey guys, did you hear that?

Um… is it hot in here? *fans self*

In 7.21 “Lost City, Part 1”. Reynolds is delightfully snarky in the opening briefing scene. And this ep begins a trademark move: checking his watch.

Waiting for Jack to show up, with SG-5 team leader, Major Harper:

Hee! They’re so giggly!

REYNOLDS: “This is one of those things that whips out from the wall, grabs your head, and re-arranges your brain, right?”

Scaning/listening for incoming al’kesh:

Time to blow shit up!

Season 8 is the season of Reynolds helping out The Man (i.e., Jack). Now that Jack’s in charge, Reynolds seems to slide into Jack’s former spot, as unofficial “second in command” of the SGC.

8.04, “Zero Hour,” is a Reynolds-heavy ep, as SG-1 is off-screen nearly the whole time.

For some inexplicable reason, Sam orders Reynolds (who outranks her) and team to watch the gate, and just as inexplicably, he complies (though he’s not happy about it).

This is my ‘not happy’ face:

MALP!vision! And bonus watch-checking!

Uh, General, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I lost your girlfriend…

Pow-wow in Jack’s office, with mood lighting! (OK, not really; the alien plant ate the lights.) But look who else is there: Major Davis! Another secondary character we love.

Reynolds has to baby-sit Camulus (who used to be Major Coburn, circa Season 4, but he must have got snaked. The Goa’uld do like the pretty boys for hosts.).

Comin’ back through the gate empty-handed (no SG-1):

Reynolds leads the General Jack Love-Fest (awww!):

Probably my favorite Reynolds ep, 8.12 Prometheus Unbound. Reynolds and team get to go out with Hammond, on the Prometheus, in search of the missing Atlantis expedition.


Action!Reynolds with Spooky Al’kesh LightingTM

OK, I know there are a lot of Novak/Lorne shippers, but people, why no Novak/Reynolds? The Reynolds/Novak scenes in “Prometheus Unbound” are COMEDY.GOLD. And there is some serious eye-fucking going on. I’m just sayin’!

Walter, Novak, and Reynolds (who’s making sure they are on time):

Seriously, now. He’s like one second away from kissing her!

Possibly best Reynolds line, evar! “Oh, excellent! Excellent waking up, sir. Good job on the crystals, too.”

So very pleased!

8.17 “Reckoning, Part 2” brings teh pretty with Jack and Reynolds running around the SGC, blowing shit up, and shooting Replicators. It’s like a good BuddyCop movie.

Busting Siler out…

Hunting Replicators:

Wrist watch! And bonus for you Siler fans, Siler’s butt.

Love their matching expressions! "Huh?"

Interlude: An explanation handwave of SGC uniforms

Oh Christ, I can see why so many fanfic writers think Reynolds is a Marine. In Season 7 SG-3 starts wearing the camouflage version of (at that time) the standard US military battle dress uniform (BDU), as opposed to the solid color BDUs the other teams wore. No biggie, SG-1 also wore the “cammies” in a couple of eps too. Reynolds’s hat is in 7.1 is consistent with the Air Force/Army uniforms. But in the rest of Season 7 he wears the 8-point Marine Corps-style hat. With the Air Force/Army BDUs. THEN, in Seasons 9 and 10, SG-3 starts wearing the new USMC combat utility uniform, the MARPAT Woodland “digi-cammies”. And still with the 8-point USMC hat.

Right. Well, they handwave the science on this show all the time, so I will handwave this by saying that Reynolds, a USAF officer, probably has a mixed-service team (i.e., there are a couple of marines on SG-3), and being the open-minded and inclusive guy he is, he decided they should all wear the MARPAT. because it looks really cool. Obviously, the *SGC* has the final word on what uniforms the teams wear in the field, not the individual military branches.

Right, enough of that; back to the picspam and Season 9! 
Reynolds goes away for far too long again, until a brief appearance in 9.14 “Stronghold” where he and the rest of the SGC go to bust Teal’c out of, um, a stronghold.

SG-3, armed to the gills and first through the gate!

Laying cover fire:

My, what a big gun you have, Colonel!

In 9.16 “Off The Grid,” Reynolds briefs Landry and SG-1 on the new craze that’s sweeping the galaxy: space corn.

REYNOLDS: I believe Lieutenant Mooney described it as "sweet corn heaven." Hee!

He also hangs out in the control room w/Walter, and looks Colonel-y:

Then, 2 episodes later, he’s back to fetch Teal’c, who has gone missing again.

Leading SG-3 and 22 through a bunch of dead Sodan:

Teal’c catches him up on the story so far:


Season 10!

10.5 "Uninvited" is a completely cracked-out, bad CGI monster ep, but it has some good Reynolds moments and Reynolds/Teal’c, Reynolds/Vala interaction (“Excuse me. Amateurs coming through.”)

Chatting w/T as they stroll through the woods:

Trying very hard not to laugh at Vala’s antics:


Tracking the bad!CGI monsters:

Vala can be very trying:

Now everyone is at Jack’s cabin in Minnesota… except Jack. :(

In 10.12 “Line In The Sand,” SG-3 provides Carter with a test village to make “disappear”.

Briefing SG-1:

Introducing SG-1 to the villagers (aw, everyone is so smiley!)

REYNOLDS: We have the craziest jobs in the world.

Indeed you do, Colonel! So crazy, it’s out-of-this world!

More chasing after Teal’c in 10.17, “Talion”.

Oooh, nighttime shot - looking for Jaffa survivors:

Schoolin’ Mitchell “Yes, but here's the interesting part…”

Oh no! Zat’ed by Teal’c - so just unconscious, not dead (whew!):

Colonel Reynolds’s last episode was 10.19, “Dominion” and all of his scenes were part of a false memory that they planted in Vala’s brain. So he looks really ticked off at her, but, hey! False memory!

Coming in hot!

Reporting the casualties:

Not a happy camper:

And that ends the great big Colonel Reynolds picspam! I’m hoping we’ll see him again in one of the two Stargate movies, but who knows. Bye, Colonel Reynolds! Thanks for helping make Stargate SG-1 such a cool show!

stargate, colonel reynolds, picspam

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