Twirl it, sistah

Jan 09, 2008 16:34

So... I'm an Instructional Designer. That's what I do for a living. I design and develop workplace learning for adults - for people in my company and for our clients. Why am I telling you this? Basically just for background info. See, I'm bored off my ass at work right now, because I have no projects. In January, everyone is holding strategy meetings and figuring out their budgets (including training budgets), and it's all very up-in-the-air. 4th Quarter is crazy, because everyone wants to use up their training budgets before the end of the year, or they'll lose that money. But January... *yawn*

So, my desk is clean, my resume is updated, my performance review has been conducted. Basically, everything that could be done is done. I even edited my colleague's World of Warcraft fic - and I know *nothing* about WoW.

And, if you've read my Interests, you'll know that I'm big into papercrafting of all kinds. So, I brought a little bit in with me to work on at the office. Also, I got this great Page-A-Day quilling project calendar for Christmas. (Quilling, if you are unfamiliar with the craft, is the art of coiling and shaping strips of paper, and then arranging and gluing them into shapes. It dates waaaaaaaay back, to like the fifteenth century - some say even back to ancient Egypt.) Anyway, this is how I've been spending my time today:


My free-form snowflake - no pattern; I just made it up.

The smaller flakes were created from patterns in my page-a-day calendar.

Snow hat, party hat (which looks like a drum major hat or something), and snowman from patterns in the page-a-day calendar.

quilling, papercrafting, corporate america

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