Nominations for 2008 Awards are now open!

Jun 01, 2008 08:30

Let the second annual Superman Movieverse Fanfiction Awards get underway! Here are the ground rules:

  • Fanfiction written between June 2007 and June 2008 is eligible. For WIPs, at least one chapter of the longer work must have been originally published during the qualifying period
  • Any story which won an award in a previous year is not eligible for the same award in the current year, regardless of whether newer chapters were published during the qualifying period.
  • Exceptions to the rule are Best Overall Author -- any author is eligible, regardless of previous wins -- but only based on his/her work during the qualifying period.
  • Likewise, you may nominate a different moment of the same fic that won last year's Best Moment Category provided that the moment you are nominating was writtten during the current year.
  • The stories may be hosted anywhere online (for example:,, The Planet, LJ, other sites)
  • The main focus of the story must be the Superman movieverse (not Smallville, Lois and Clark, comicverse, etc.)
  • Writers may not nominate their own fanfiction for any category.
  • Nominations will be accepted between June 1, 2008 and June 30, 2008. The top five fics nominated will be placed into the final ballot. If there is a tie, we will include a sixth nomination. A run-off ballot will take place on June 30, 2008 if for any categories which do not have a clear nominations list.
  • Voting will take place between July 1, 2008 and July 14, 2008, in a manner to be determined (mods are in the process of researching secure alternate methods)
  • Awards will be announced on July 15, 2008.
  • Please see the community profile page for more pertinent information.

Please do not "Join" -- all LJ users may nominate, vote and comment on the threads. Instead, click "Watch This Community" to stay up-to-date on the nomination and voting process. Membership will be moderated - please see community profile.


Length: (Must be complete except for Epic)
--Best Overall Super-Short (300-2,000 words)
--Best Overall Short (2,000-10,000 words)
--Best Overall Mid Length (10,000-50,000 words)
--Best Overall Epic (50,000 words plus)

Genres: (Any length or WIP can be nominated for these stories)
--Best Fluff
--Best Action
--Best Angst
--Best Humor
--Best Jason-oriented/Father-Son
--Clois Romance
--Other Pairing Romance
--Slash Romance
--OC Romance

Moments: (Any length or WIP)
--Best Kiss
--Best Love Scene
--Best Cliff Hanger
--Best Reveal
--Best Father/Son moment (not limited to Clark-Jason, could also include Richard-Jason, Clark-Jor-El or Clark-Jonathan)
--Best one liner
--Best Ending (for completed fic)

Other: (Any length or WIP)
--Best Use of Supporting Characters
--Best Character Interaction (between two characters, non-romantic)
--Best Villain
--Best OC
--Best WIP of any length
--Best Completed fic of any length
--Best Series (two or more works in the same related 'universe', sequel or otherwise)
--Best Overall Author

Nomination Rules:
  • You may nominate up to two fics per category.
  • You do not need to nominate in every category.
  • Please indicate "Nomination Ballot" in the Subject Heading of your comment.
  • Make sure your nominations are clearly marked for each category.
  • Include the URL of the fic (or chapter of the fic for specific moments) in your nomination.
  • For moments, please be as specific as possible about where it is located.

Let the nominating begin! Add your nominations in comments to this entry. And please pimp this event in your LJs and story updates this month -- we want as wide a spectrum of fandom as possible! Thanks!

Note: If you are unfamiliar with LJ - click "Leave a Comment to this Entry" to make your nominations! :) (If you don't have an LJ account, please be sure to sign your anonymous comment somehow with your username from other sites at the bottom of your nomination list.)

Note 2: Comments will be screened for better anonymity. Non LJ-users should leave an email in the message if you would like confirmation that your nomination was received.

2008, nominations

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