(no subject)

Sep 24, 2008 21:06


Character Name: Komui Li
Age: 23
Occupation: Black Order Supervisor
Point in the timeline: 6 years before canon -- this version of Komui has just been promoted from Head of the Science Department to Supervisor.

Alternate future: Komui lived to see both the beginning of World War I and the very last days of the war with the Earl, but he didn't quite make it to the end of either one. As Supervisor, he witnessed the Vatican growing more and more ruthless to its Exorcists and all its soldiers over the years as the war progressed, and at last he came to a decision -- it might end up meaning a war on two fronts, but the Order needed to cut all ties with the Church and become an independent organization before the merciless Vatican drove its own soldiers into the ground.

Komui quietly waited and plotted over a period of years, managing to secure outside funding for the Order that would give them the resources to break away. But before his coup d'etat could fully come to fruition, a Vatican official discovered what he was up to, sending Komui word that the damning information would be released to the world if he didn't give into the official's demands. Anxious to protect his life's work and feeling he had nothing left to lose with Linali gone, Komui met with his blackmailer in private and quietly shot them. However, he didn't quite manage to dispose of the body and all its effects well enough -- it wasn't long before he came under suspicion, and Vatican officers showed up to make an arrest. Two years before the end of the war, Komui was executed for treason.

Personality: At age 23, Komui shares many similarities with the man he will become six years later in D.Gray-man canon. He's playful when he can be, and serious when he must be -- an eccentric genius full to the brim with curiosity about how the world works, he likes nothing better than to trade the newest ideas and theories with his Science Department colleagues, examine a bug or a leaf or an engine or a very shiny rock, or best of all, tinker with giant robots and unstable chemical compounds in one of his private laboratories. Coffee is the fuel that keeps his engine running, and having joined the Black Order at age 20, three years of living with the hectic pace of the Science Department has instilled in him a very haphazard daily schedule -- as often as not he'll be found in his office at 2 am and napping at 3 in the afternoon, rather than the other way around.

As upbeat and even silly as he can often be, however, Komui is sharper than he initially appears. His intelligence lends itself to leadership and strategy, and he is capable of making cold, calculated decisions when necessary; his anger is as calculating as the rest of him, slow to build but tending toward long-lasting grudges. He does not particularly believe in the Vatican's God, but he does trust and care for his Order comrades and desire to see humanity saved from the Earl's apocalpyse -- to this end he tries to make decisions that will protect the Order's members as much as possible, even becoming their advocate toward the Vatican to ensure that all its disciples are treated with fairness and decency. His desire to protect the Exorcists in particular started with his beloved sister Linali, but over time he has come to know and grow fond of many of the organization's other Exorcists, and believes the Vatican is wrong to treat them as nothing more than mere tools. He deeply regrets many aspects of his life in the Order -- perhaps none more than being powerless for so long to stop the cruel experiments that created countless Fallen -- but even if Linali lost her Innocence tomorrow, at this point he is much too far in to desert all the people he cares about. Though he may not be glad of having joined the Order, he is grateful that he can help protect and look after the brave men and women that he's come to know.

23-year-old Komui is not, however, entirely equivalent to 29-year-old Komui. Having only been Supervisor for a matter of months at this point, he is not yet completely comfortable in his position, nor with the idea that the entirety of Headquarters now looks to him as a figure of guidance and leadership. He tends to be a bit less quick to act, a bit more flighty at times, and often more unsure in his decisions; he's not yet capable of knowing the right course of action for a given situation without ever having to consult the procedure manual. And where the future Komui often comports himself like a father figure to the young Exorcists and an equal to the older ones, this past version for the most part shows just a touch of polite-but-friendly deference to everyone, doing his best to try and gain his subordinates' trust. He has been hailed by some and looked down on by others for putting a halt to the Compatible experiments, but although he's nervous about what might be in store for him after this, he believes in his own ability to do the right thing.

Special Notes:

For my purposes, I write Komui's pre-canon timeline as follows:

Age 17- family killed by Akuma, separated from Linali. Komui spends 3 years studying advanced science and English and searching for the Order in hopes they'll let him follow Linali in.
Age 20- joins the Order
Age 22- promoted to Head Officer of the Science Department
Age 23- promoted to Supervisor; has the Compatible experiments shut down

Sample Posts

Writing Sample for overclockedrp

[broadcast to all Exorcist golems]

All right, kids, who's free today!?

I know we've got four or five Exorcists hanging around HQ right now, so if about two of you feel like some sun and sand and gyros, come by the office and see me~ We've got reports of some strange phenomena right off the southern coast of Greece that look like they might be Innocence at work -- the faster we can get people down there, the better! Give me a golem ring if you want, but I need you in the office as soon as possible, okay?

Writing Sample for overclockedlogs

They hadn't even let him have one last damn cup of coffee.

It was the material concerns that Komui's mind turned to as he sat there in shackles next to the execution hall, because at this point there wasn't much left worth thinking about. His life was, for all intents and purposes, already over. It had ended the moment a bevy of Vatican guards had burst into his office a couple weeks ago, charging him with treason and carting him away. Oh, certainly, there had been the tribunal afterward where the official verdict had been handed down; but as with many aspects of the Vatican's work, that was more for show than anything. Komui knew he'd done it, and the Vatican knew he'd done it, and it would have made no difference even if they hadn't. He'd put his name on the letter of confession they'd shoved at him with little enough protest -- he hadn't felt like being tortured into admitting his guilt, and it hardly mattered anymore, anyway.

She was gone, after all. He hadn't really been alive for quite some time.

His work would live on after him, and that was the important part. He believed in Reever; by now his right-hand man would be well aware of how much work Komui had been putting into creating a solid financial foundation so that the Order could someday declare its independence from the Catholic Church. They were so close now -- and Reever would see it through, that much he was certain. The man had never let him down before.

So he was content to sit here, behind bars, in chains, and grumble to himself a little as he stared out toward the execution hall across the way. His death was scheduled for sometime in the next thirty minutes, and the pair of Central Office grunts inside were just about finished setting up the gallows. As he watched, they finished hanging a fresh noose, then flipped a lever to drop the trap floor out from under it. Then they glanced up at each other to laugh unpleasantly.

He was already dead anyway. It didn't bother him.


"Ah -- I don't understand how they can make a man watch such unpleasant business."

Komui glanced over to find that the voice belonged to an elderly gentleman who looked to be a priest, dressed in the traditional robes with a Bible tucked under his arm. He was followed in short order by a pair of well-muscled sentries who headed wordlessly for the cell door; one paused to unlock it and the other continued inside, hauling Komui up by the arm. The priest walked beside him as they headed into the execution hall.

"I am here to pray for your soul, Mr. Li," the man murmured, offering a weary smile. "We hope that even one such as yourself can somehow find salvation."

Komui paused for just a moment at that, cocking his head to the side a little.

"Ahh, that's really all right, Father, I wouldn't want to be blasphemous. I never believed in your religion, you see," he told the man cheerily.

It felt good to get to say that out loud, just once before he died.

Leaving the priest's shocked face behind, he didn't look to the left or the right, or anywhere else save where he was going as they led him onto the platform. The noose was lowered over his neck, tightened carefully. The coarse rope scratched unpleasantly against his skin.

Komui closed his eyes.

Whatever comes after this... if we can be together again, I'll come find you. Like I always do.

I promise.


Wait for me?

Somewhere on the other side of his eyelids he could hear the floor dropping out from under him.

After a while, it didn't even hurt anymore.