Uhhhhh...I don't have much to say. I might be getting sick, so I couldn't go to tae kwon do last night and I might not have to go to school today. =b My mom said she would get me Zelda: The Minish Cap to ease my boredom (it's a recurring disease...), but I would feel really bad if she wasted important money on a video game...
My life isn't so good right now...I have the flu...there's a huge storm...I'm angry at humanity again...I mean...I'm almost not sure if I like Super Robot Wars any more...
Hm-hm...I'm still sick...blech...but my grandma gave us a big tub of her special soup, and that always makes me feel better. n_n She has the same thing--it's just severe sinus drainage. I hope I get better before Christmas Eve... X
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